24 Votes for das Stinktier

  • When:11/04/14
  • QIC: Hops
  • The PAX: Bananas, Orange Whip, Geraldo, Header, Bulldog, Sanka, Hairband, Splinter, Busch, Semi-Gloss, Puddin' Pop, High Tide, Night Court (LIFO), Brown, Chanel, Baracus, Swiss Miss, Horsehead, Fletch, Harley, Yankee (Kotters), Wabbit, Freedom (WD), Hops

24 Votes for das Stinktier

No SF was planted…pretty sure Skunkworks doesn’t have one…Stone Cold took it with him to Joust.  Harley – today would have been a good day for the SF on Election Day.  #merica  But I digress, sort of.

24 hardy lads voted to post at Skunkworks this morning, and it went a little something like this….

The Thang:

Grab your KB (or 2 if you’re Busch, Header?, others?) and head over to the church lots.

Abbreviated COP:

SSH x 18

Merkin x 18

IW x 18

1/2 the pax leave KB in COP lot, other 1/2 take their KB to adjacent lot

Circuit Work:

1.  Run 1/3 Mile? (no idea how long the run was frankly) around church

2. 18 2-handed swings

3. Hairburners with 25, 35 or 45 lb. plate – 35 yards? down & back

4. 18 goblet squats

Rinse & Repeat 4x – using different KB each time at stations 2 & 4

Plankorama mixing in some Southern Gentleman, Yankee Aggressor, Christian Laettner (always a “Hate” except for Harley), 6 inches, etc.

Grab a KB, not necessarily your own, and double-time it back to small field next to the high school

Circle up for some more work but not in the order listed below:

Louganis w/KB x 18

LBC x 18

Upright Row w/KB x 13

One-legged Dolly R x 9; One-legged Dolly L x 9

Overhead Press w/KB x 18

Pass KB to the left

Renegade Row w/KB x 9R then x9L

Pass KB to the left

Two-handed Swing x 18

CCV (of course) x 18


Ye Olde Moleskine:

Always a blast to be with the pax at Skunkworks…perhaps the best mumblechatter in all of Area 51.  Smack talk, false bravado, hazing….love it!  That being said, Semi-Gloss complimenting my beard on more than one occasion was a little unsettling.  #creepybigshirtlessdude

Bananas was happy when Night Court wrested the LIFO title from him this morning just as we were starting COP.  UnionSkunk coming soon?

Some strong work being put in out there for sure.  More running than normal Skunkworks?  Perhaps.  Navigating the polling place workers, signs, etc. in front of the church added a challenge.  #merica

Heard some “haven’t done hairburners in a long time” comments out there.  They’re unsavory, to be sure, but for those who went the distance with them – you got your money’s worth.  When I collected them after the workout, it was amazing all the gravel, rocks and even a cap to a plastic bottle.  How in the world did that cap make it’s way through the hole in the plate?!  Did someone eat some asphalt and I didn’t hear about it?

When Horsehead pulled his lighter KB out of his truck tool box, complaining about shoulder pain, I didn’t have the heart to tell him it didn’t matter as we would be sharing KBs at the stations and the work at the end…though he may have ended up with smaller KBs than his own every time.  #wheresmychristmasornament

High Tide exclaimed at one point that he was looking for a key chain in lieu of a 50 lb. KB – that was a new one to me…and good humor.

Enjoyed it fellas.  Always a good time at das Stinktier!


Lots of them:

Sat., Dec. 6 – A Very Merry Area51 Christmas Party at Sugar Creek Brewery.  Probation dressing as Santa Claus

1-Year Anniversary of The Charge – Tomorrow – DD on Q

Any F3 FNG at The Charge = one pair of shoes to #SoleRedemption donated by Baracus

Don’t forget about the Arabian camel (Camelus dromedaries) – the large, even-toed ungulate with one hump on its back.  He’s at Marvin Ridge HS every Wednesday at 0530.  The also even-toed Bratwurst is your Q tomorrow.

Joe Davis Memorial Resolution 5k/10k – Sat. Jan. 10th.  Sign-up. Run. Be on a cross country team or something like that.


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Hops author

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9 years ago

Is it me, or does Wabbit look a lot like Ron Weasley? Seems like a lay up name change….just sayin’.

9 years ago

And nobody could explain why the children of an engineer, Clemson educated at that, came home with such poor middle school math scores.

9 years ago

Hops – enjoyed it as always. Appreciated the ever-present Cumberland County Viaducts, particularly the guys doing it in unison. I’m also a huge fan of the hidden hairburners…#sadistic.

There is a Skunkworks shovel flag but it is guarded carefully in my garage.

Respect the Christian Laettner – greatest college basketball game ever played!

Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Harley
9 years ago

Can’t be the greatest game ever played if DOOK won.

9 years ago

Funny you should mention a “UnionSkunk”, Brown and I were saying on the way home that would be an excellent addition! Perhaps sooner than later!

Hair Band
Reply to  Chanel
9 years ago

F3Unionco has had some mumblechatter about a kb beatdown. Time will tell.

Solid beat down, I always expect a little running when you are on Q but glad it didn’t include the bells.

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