Now for a stroll down amnesia lane.
It was 1985.
The Kansas City Royals were World Series champs, the Monsters of the Midway were on their way to the Super Bowl title, Ronald Reagan (of Tampico, Illinois) was in the Oval Office. Glorious!
Wham! had 2 of the top 3 hits of 1985….ok not so glorious. And who could forget the #85 song in the Billboard Top 100 of 1985 – “Who’s Holding Donna Now?” by Debarge….? Answer: Hopefully absolutely everyone forgot that…until reading this. However, I’m pretty sure TR has that one among his voluminous iTunes library. One additional musical note to mention in keeping with the Heartland theme — Champaign, Illinois’ REO Speedwagon had the #13 hit (YHC’s favorite #. That’s the #, not the song) — “Can’t Fight This Feeling”
Ok….enough of that. Speaking of fighting feelings….YHC felt like fartsacking quite frankly. And after two late nights of watching my beloved Kansas City Royals – that’s exactly what I would have done had Bugeater (fellow Heartlander from Omaha, NE – home of the KC Royals’ AAA Storm Chasers and Alex Gordon) not tapped me to Q the Thursday painfest warmly known as Hydra.
So after logging about 3 hours and 47 minutes of sleep, interrupted constantly by a nearly 15-year old dog that is taking dog years off YHC’s life, I jumped out of the fartsack and headed over to Olde Providence Elementary to cook up some pain stew for the pax.
The Stew:
SSH x 25
H-R Merkins x 25
IW x 25 (Gummy asked what muscle group(s) IW’s are supposed to work? Answer: none really. It’s just mindless time for meaningless mumblechatter and for YHC to mentally compile a weinke.)
MC x 25
Run 1/4 mile to entrance of Chadwyck
Plank up.
CDD x 20 or so
Run 1/4 mile to Chadwyck Commons
LBC x 25
Run 1/8 mile to Ashridge Lane (really should be named Ashridge Hill)
Plank up. Run to top of hill. 10 burpees OYO. Run down. Plank. Run up. 15 CDDs OYO. Run Down. Freddy Mercury x 15 IC. Run Up. 10 burpees OYO. Run down. Plank. Run up. 13 Knee-ups IC. Run Down. Plank. Run up. 15 H-R Merkins OYO. Run down.
Not sure that was the exact order of events on Ashridge Hill, but it was something like that.
Indian Run to Bugeater’s front yard, which is well decorated for Halloween, by the way. YHC had the pax lined up facing Chez Bugeater. With ghost in tree hanging to YHC’s left, we did 10 slow count jump squats IC. Editorial Note: Bugeater’s Halloween decorating skills are absolutely no match for fellow Area 51 pax member: Cheese Curd. Cannot imagine that Curd’s holiday yard decorating skills have any equal in all of F3Nation. Shall I post pictures to prove this?
…..back to the stew recipe
Indian run back to front of Chadwyck
Run back down Rea Rd to OP for the last helping of stew.
Very Slow Flutter x 15?
Plankorama for the last couple minutes with each of the pax taking a turn giving widely varying 10-counts while we were planking at 6″ position. IH had the most creative/rhythmic cadence.
COT with solid takeout from Iron Horse.
12/6/14 – Area51 Christmas party at Sugar Creek Brewery – organized, hosted & DJ’d by Prohibition.
1/10/15 – Joe Davis Memorial Resolution Run – Baxter Village YMCA in Fort Mill. Register:
And bring men’s athletic shoes – lightly used/no holes – #SoleRedemption #youknowthedealbynow
There’s some competition between TR/Kevlar and Header/Joust involving shoes, going shirtless all winter, F3BigBlack filled to the brim with sneakers and who knows what else, Joker delivering the shoes wearing his wooly vest, etc, etc.
Happy Halloween to all of my F3 Area51 brethren. Go Panthers!
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