It was 1985, and it was a glorious year in the Heartland

  • When:10/30/14
  • QIC: Hops
  • The PAX: Gummy, Gekko, Iron Horse, Starfish, Escargot, Bugeater, Hops

It was 1985, and it was a glorious year in the Heartland

Now for a stroll down amnesia lane.

It was 1985.

The Kansas City Royals were World Series champs, the Monsters of the Midway were on their way to the Super Bowl title, Ronald Reagan (of Tampico, Illinois) was in the Oval Office.  Glorious!

Wham! had 2 of the top 3 hits of 1985….ok not so glorious.   And who could forget the #85 song in the Billboard Top 100 of 1985 – “Who’s Holding Donna Now?” by Debarge….?  Answer:  Hopefully absolutely everyone forgot that…until reading this.  However, I’m pretty sure TR has that one among his voluminous iTunes library.  One additional musical note to mention in keeping with the Heartland theme —  Champaign, Illinois’ REO Speedwagon had the #13 hit (YHC’s favorite #.  That’s the #, not the song) —  “Can’t Fight This Feeling”

Ok….enough of that.  Speaking of fighting feelings….YHC felt like fartsacking quite frankly.  And after two late nights of watching my beloved Kansas City Royals – that’s exactly what I would have done had Bugeater (fellow Heartlander from Omaha, NE – home of the KC Royals’ AAA Storm Chasers and Alex Gordon) not tapped me to Q the Thursday painfest warmly known as Hydra.

So after logging about 3 hours and 47 minutes of sleep, interrupted constantly by a nearly 15-year old dog that is taking dog years off YHC’s life, I jumped out of the fartsack and headed over to Olde Providence Elementary to cook up some pain stew for the pax.

The Stew:

SSH x 25

H-R Merkins x 25

IW x 25 (Gummy asked what muscle group(s) IW’s are supposed to work?  Answer: none really.  It’s just mindless time for meaningless mumblechatter and for YHC to mentally compile a weinke.)

MC x 25

Run 1/4 mile to entrance of Chadwyck

Plank up.

CDD x 20 or so

Run 1/4 mile to Chadwyck Commons

LBC x 25

Run 1/8 mile to Ashridge Lane (really should be named Ashridge Hill)

Plank up. Run to top of hill. 10 burpees OYO. Run down. Plank.  Run up. 15 CDDs OYO. Run Down. Freddy Mercury x 15 IC. Run Up. 10 burpees OYO. Run down. Plank. Run up. 13 Knee-ups IC. Run Down. Plank. Run up. 15 H-R Merkins OYO. Run down.

Not sure that was the exact order of events on Ashridge Hill, but it was something like that.

Indian Run to Bugeater’s front yard, which is well decorated for Halloween, by the way.  YHC had the pax lined up facing Chez Bugeater.  With ghost in tree hanging to YHC’s left, we did 10 slow count jump squats IC.  Editorial Note:  Bugeater’s Halloween decorating skills are absolutely no match for fellow Area 51 pax member: Cheese Curd.  Cannot imagine that Curd’s holiday yard decorating skills have any equal in all of F3Nation.  Shall I post pictures to prove this?

…..back to the stew recipe

Indian run back to front of Chadwyck

Run back down Rea Rd to OP for the last helping of stew.

Very Slow Flutter x 15?

Plankorama for the last couple minutes with each of the pax taking a turn giving widely varying 10-counts while we were planking at 6″ position.  IH had the most creative/rhythmic cadence.

COT with solid takeout from Iron Horse.


12/6/14 – Area51 Christmas party at Sugar Creek Brewery – organized, hosted & DJ’d by Prohibition.

1/10/15 – Joe Davis Memorial Resolution Run – Baxter Village YMCA in Fort Mill.  Register:

And bring men’s athletic shoes – lightly used/no holes – #SoleRedemption #youknowthedealbynow

There’s some competition between TR/Kevlar and Header/Joust  involving shoes, going shirtless all winter, F3BigBlack filled to the brim with sneakers and who knows what else, Joker delivering the shoes wearing his wooly vest, etc, etc.

Happy Halloween to all of my F3 Area51 brethren.  Go Panthers!


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Hops author

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10 years ago

My coffee cup seemed heavy this morning. Thank you very little for the shoulder smoker. My question about the purpose of the IW wasn’t meant to criticize – it’s my favorite part of every workout. I’m just not sure I’m doing it right since nothing is tired afterwards.

Good lead this morning. Thanks Hops.

10 years ago

The critics will tell you “Who’s Johnny?” is DeBarge’s finest effort but El’s buttery falsetto on “Donna” holds a special place in my heart. First saw them at a Luther Vandross show in 84, before they blew up.

Little known fact: the song was written from the perspective of a conflicted Fred Sanford, who is weighing the competing affections of his sometimes-girlfriend, Donna Harris, and Lamont, who was, at best, indifferent toward her.

Reply to  Tiger-Rag
10 years ago

Smitty and Hoppy are calling BS on the Donna song reference.

Cheese Curd
10 years ago

I am the last to comment about music, but I am happy to chime in on Halloween décor. If I had known there was going to be a neighborhood stroll, I would have turned the lights on for you all. If no pics go up for Halloween, perhaps you can see my X-mas décor, usually have more lights on for that!

Sorry to miss this AM, but I have been promising Brown to hit Meat Head. Felt bad to pass AO on my way to another site and with Hydra being in my backyard, I could have had a few more mins to sleep!

Next time!

10 years ago

Hops, this is a truly awesome BB brother! Memory lane of music, however questionable. You and TR are an endless couple of mind numbing information bookends. I say that in a “I got nuthin’ but love for ya” way.

I was still stinging from that Madbumming KC got last night. You made me shift my focus as you laid down some great movement, core, and shoulder/chest beat down on our Chadwyck neighborhood tour.

Again, cheers for a great lead today. We had 7 rock star pax out there. We got to share in the gloom a bit as we hit the road and spent some serious energy rocking that hill 1.25 miles from OP.

Also glad you recognized my wife’s decor. She said had she known she would have turned on the lights. There is a show on TV that pits neighbors against each other and I will challenge cheese curds baby girl foo foo decor against our hard core Halloween scare any day. Come and judge tomorrow. Knock on out door as my wife had a new addition to greet the littles seeking candy….

Next up…Gummy and for goodness sake can we please outpost rebel yell as spackler is getting a bit obnoxious.

10 years ago

Oh I know I got long winded but have to add that I looked at iron horse when you called the umpteenth trip up the hill and he looked back and gave this big ole almost evil grin and laugh as he charged right back up. I have a whole new appreciation for iron horse. I mean I knew the guy was legit, but he was just absolutely In that moment baby!

10 years ago

Obnoxious? Bit harsh eh? Rebel Yell, or Rebel Smell as first started by you, is growing like a weed. I’m sure we still got a long way to go to reach avg weekly Hydra numbers. But, coolest part is growth is happening exponentially without much work. It’s either one good ‘spell’ or Ballantyne is starting to rear its vast, beautiful face. Boom.

10 years ago

Nice and quick reply! I knew obnoxious would grab a response. Awesome spack. You know I love it. I think it is great you got rebel yell growing. Keep it up. The numbers for hydra in nov and dec 2013 were avg of 18 and 13, so be interesting to see where we come in this year. Spackler, nuthin but love for you too. How many shoes you got?

10 years ago

RY has been lighter than I would like for #SoleRedemption collection but BigBlack has got a good 16-18 maybe?

10 years ago

Sweet, that’s pretty good. We are at 7-8 so we got some sole searching to do. See you in the gloom spack!

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