Track Intervals and Buffers

  • When:10/28/14
  • QIC: Tiger Rag
  • The PAX: Turkey Leg, Hairball, Hopper, Rock Thrill, Purple Haze, Horsehead, Geraldo, Good Hands, Lex Luthor, Spackler

Track Intervals and Buffers

Eleven fun-sized pax held their nose and ate their spinach this morning.  All agreed: it’s better to have run track intervals than it is to run track intervals.


  • 2nd F mosey x 1/2 mile down to Rosecliff in search of the Haggis, who was to join us on the track for part of his 20+ miler this morning.  No Haggis to be found.
  • 2nd F mosey x 1/2 mile back to the parking lot.  Started to do the patented Brat warm up set but couldn’t bring myself to soldier on past heel walks.
  • Mosey down to the track to find the Southern Hemisphere Running Club circling the wrong way.  Nothing to do but join the clockwise swirl.


  • 200 m at 1 mile pace (?); 200 m recovery.  x5
  • 400 m at 1 mile pace; 400 m recovery.  x3
  • 800 m at 1 mile pace; 400 m recovery  x1
  • 400 m at 1 mile pace; 400 m recovery.  x3
  • 200 m at 1 mile pace; 400 m recovery.  x2
  • 1/2 mile to 3/4 mile warm down


  • Despite a halfhearted attempt to hide the track Weinke from the FT pax, it leaked out anyway.  I suspect Radar picked it up through a Scottish informant (Codename: Unicorn Breath), then sent it downstream to his clergyman (codename: Trappist Monkey), but even with the plan exposed 11 pax posted.  Running the track is appears to be a FT violation on the order of breaking the one urinal buffer.  Got more than one hairy eyeball on the call but was fortunate to avoid #TinyFistsofFury.
  • Lots of spirited efforts out there.  Leg led from wire to wire, with Hopper and Hairball not too far behind.  Haze is already fighting second half marathon demons (6 weeks out) but had some snappy intervals even after a long run on Sunday.  Rock Thrill blistered that last 400, Spackler was responsible for many PRs today–by running uncomfortably close behind many of the S. Hemisphere tomatoes. Horsehead staggered  dazedly around the track asking any male over 6′-4″ (are you Hopper?) what we were doing next. The original Clown Car EH’s Good Hands (Bad Shoulder) and Geraldo have opted for smokeboots in lieu of KBs.  And Lex Luthor pushed hard despite having to tote twice the number of last names around the track than the rest of us. Hyphen Strong right there.
  • Plenty of preblast chatter from Jok-rah’s Book Club but no #woolyvest sighted. Guess he was busy reading what I dream when I dream about running.  Chelms also DNS..
  • Haggis did finally show with his bodyguard, Bratwurst. Between the fanny pack and the head wrap they were quite the pair.
  • Was surprised that we got in 6.5 miles.  Seemed to go by much quicker than that.
  • It was fun while it lasted.  Just like when I “accidentally” put the sweaters in the dryer, I may have worked my way out of an invite back.


  • Joe Davis Run details HERE.  Make an early HC.  It’s easier on the organizers.
  • Bratwurst (?) and Bananas hard launch F3/Dromedary at Marvin Ridge HS tomorrow morning.  Come out and support them.  Email me if you want to clown car.
  • Snowflake and Ice 9 launch F3/The Commitment on 11-15 at Weddington HS. 0630 start.


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Tiger-Rag author

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10 years ago

Always wanted to visit Fast Twitch, partly to spy out any specialist training techniques, partly just morbid curiosity. Was initially surprised by the distinctly feminine feel of the workout, but I suppose I shouldn’t have been. It explains a lot. It was very hard to decipher what they were actually doing. Occasionally a slightly less feminine voice would yell out something like “400 400”, and they would all start scampering around. Other than that, it sure looked like a lot of “recovery”. All in all, happy to be an observer, not a participant. Not ready to change shaving habits yet.

21 miles on Tuesday morning SUCKS. Thanks Brat for the company, and thanks Fast Twitch for letting us stop by.

Purple Haze
10 years ago

Yes…indeed I am questioning the sanity of running 26 miles. Sunday was horrible…only running 61.5% of marathon miles & cursing my decision for 20% of that. So, as much as I abhor track work, today was a good change of pace and some very solid training. RT kept my spirits up during most of the morning…until he grew tired of the 2ndF and turned it on for the last 400.

There was a moment during the recovery lap, moseying through the fog, where revenge was contemplated on behalf of all the pencil-armed, hollow chested men everywhere…an unleashing of the #TinyFistsOfFury. But with no one else around and my weighing only slightly more than your heaviest KB, I’m thinking a more opportune time will come.

Haggis, I can sense how intimidated you are just by your comments. Perhaps you would have been better off running 84 laps around 1/4 mile scenic pond path at Bagpipe.

10 years ago

My last Fast Twitch post was August 27, 2013… the infamous “speed showdown” between the men of Fast Twitch and the boys of B-tyne. Just haven’t had enough mojo to return to the scene where my hips, glutes, calves and achilles all reminded me at the same time that I’m not a young man anymore. But I will return… both myself and the wooly vest.

Chelms aka Tatertot
Chelms aka Tatertot
10 years ago

I decided to start my Taper for the Joe Davis run a tad early

10 years ago

If you run behind them then you can never be chick’d

10 years ago

TR, I have not run that many sprints since the high school tracks days…..and tonight I am forced to remember why. I have been smoked all day. You were kind to note I tried to stick with Turkey Leg, but the reason you know I could not is because you would jettison past me every race to try to catch him, too. I felt like Wylie Coyote behind you, Hairball and TL. #leftinthedust. Just shy of 6’4″ by the way. Whale of a job today, man!

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