12 men decided to answer the call and check out this new thing called The Brave. And they were not disappointed. Temps were great for a nice stroll around the Ballantyne (SOB) AO
No FNGs so abbreviated disclaimer given and we were off.
Run down Ballantyne Commons, east with some bench jumps and lunge walks thrown in.
Turn left on Ballantyne Commons Pl then some serpentine hill runs (remember the leatherneck)
Run to bottom of left Premier parking deck, up the stairs.
Plank waiting on the 6
Run across top of parking deck and back down the stairs.
Run back out onto Ballantyne Commons Pl and run down cross the bridge and turn right behind one of the BofA buildings.
Plank and 25 merkins OYO while we wait.
Run down behind the BofA buildings – across top of the hill then weaving around the trees across the back.
Around lake to the dock – MT lead exercise:
SSH x 15 in cadence
IW x 15 in cadence
Another lap around the lake – then trip thru the woods
Bear crawl up and over the bridge
Run up hill to short stone walls – up and over x 3
Run around lake and back down the hill behind the office building
Line up facing downhill – Wide arm merkin walk – 10 to left and 10 to Right.
Continue on downhill along woods, then back up and across parking lot to larger wall.
Climb wall 10 times, topping out with alternating feet = 5 with right and 5 with left.
Run over to next lake behind the Hixon building.
Run around lake and back to picnic area overlooking lake – 25 LBC in cadence, 15 merkins
Run around lake again and work way over to next lake.
Backwards run up the hill, back down – 10 merkins then lap around lake – plank
Rinse and repeat – but run to entrance to exercise trail.
Stop along the way for 15 more merkins
Run exercise trail to lower parallel bars.
3 trips thru bars
Mosey to High parallel bars.
3 trips thru bars
Run back up and around Loch Ness and back to Launch
Time: 1 hour Distance: 4.8 miles
Great first workout for launch of The Brave. Thanks to all the Pax who decided to give it a shot. Everyone worked hard and we pushed the pace. Keep coming out – we will keep it interesting – there are lots of great obstacles at this AO.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead – its aways an honor and privilege
The Stand – 3rd F workout is at the Panera at Carmel and 51 right after The Brave – check it out YHC and Purple Haze on Q.
Spartan Super – Oct 26th. – 30% F3 Discount. Here is the post: http://f3nation.com/2014/09/10/super-spartan-carolinas-october-26-2014/
Thanks again for a great workout
Champagne out.
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