• When:10/01/2014
  • QIC: Brushback (VQ)
  • The PAX: Outback, FNG-Plebe (Vic Datta), Rehab (WB), Purple Haze, Brutus, Hacksaw, Young Love, Rock Thrill, Chef Boyardee, Cane, Blades of Glory (WD), Icky Shuffle, Voodoo, Champagne, Jamboree, Turkey Leg, Abacus, Baracus, Boutique, Mr. Brady, Waterseal, Mermaid, Joker, Fletch, Mr. Bean, Steinbrenner, Brushback



For the VQ YHC wanted to cover the full AO and add a personal slant, which was to slow things down an little and practice good form.  This resulted in hand-release (HR) burpees, double merkin burpees, HR merkins, planks with form focus.  Blame it on the M, she is a core/pilates instructor.  Shovel flag planted, disclaimer given, GO:


10 HR Burpees and follow QIC.

Short mosey with a stop for 15 Diamond merkin (civilian count)

Mosey to turf by chapel and bear crawl over the hill by the wall

Mosey to front of church for COP in the gloom


SSH x 25 IC

Double merkin burpees x 5 OYO

MC x 20 IC

Double merkin burpees x 5 OYO

30 HR Merkin OYO

Plank (60 second hold)

Mosey around church to the bottom of North Face

Triple Nickel

5 Jump Squat.  Run up NF.  5 CDD.  Run to bottom of NF.  Repeat x 5

Plank to wait for six (and allow YHC to catch breath)

Mosey to playground


3 called exercises.  3 times through circuit

Donkey kicks x 15 on swings/Incline merkin x 25/Pullups x 10 at far end of playground

Mosey to Athletic Field and partner up for some fellowship.  Size does matter.

Makhtar N’diaye’s x 10 IC

Partner Work

Partner Carry 60 yards.  Flapjack back to start.

Partner Merkin ladder to 8.

AYG to far fence and back (approx 200 yards)

Partner 1 plank on partner 2’s feet.  Partner 2 does 20 sit-ups.

AYG to far fence and back.  Flapjack situp set.

LBC x 20 IC

Mosey back to launch lot for BOM.


VQ in the books and YHC ready for more.  It was great to see the support from YHC’s F3 brothers before, during, and after the workout.  Almost all of the fellow The Stand crew made it out in a show of the bonds that we are building learning more about what God has planned for us as men and leaders, as well as, the bonds from sharing our personal lives and journeys.  YHC honored and blessed to be a part of F3nation, and to lead this fine group of men this morning.

Good mumblechatter in the foggy gloom.  The 10 HR Burpees off the starter’s gun were well received #sarcasm.  YHC got some props for the audible for a slight recovery after the 30 HR merkins in COP before the plank hold.  Originally planned to go straight to plank.  Pax was confused on counts during the Circuit at the playground.  Going from the soaking wet tall grass to the sand was a real crowd pleaser.  I think pax also enjoyed risking life and limb going over the shaky chain link to get to the pull-up station.  Young Love said he wised up and went through a gate to avoid the fence, but the unknown of whether the fence would hold up was part of the grand plan.

Great work by the pax on the partner work.  Up until then, YHC was not getting Larry Birded #takiniteasyonVQ, but the AYG to fence and back had the beasts breaking away.  Fletch, PH, Rock Thrill, Cane, Mermaid, Jamboree, Champagne, Mr. Brady, Joker.

BOM: Solid takeout by Mr. Brady.  Succinct and impactful.


Voodoo has Q at Meathead tomorrow.  Sort of his VQ.

A51 Mud Run buses are wheels up at 0530 Saturday.  Arrive 15 minutes prior.

Saturday workouts will converge at The Rock.  Stonehenge launch=0600.  Other converging WO’s launch=0700.  Two other workouts still on as regularly scheduled: Area 51 and Outland.





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Mermaid administrator

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10 years ago

Solid VQ from Brushback. Wouldn’t have expected anything less. Expect to see him in the regular Q rotation as it sounds like he has caught the bug. Triple Nickel on NF is always painful.

Young Love
Young Love
10 years ago

Nice job, Brushback. Only disappointed because it didn’t seem like a vQ at all, not that I necessarily expected anything less. I just like to witness a good train wreck every once in a while.

Sorry to bail on the fence jump. After sliding down North Face during the triple nickle #weeeeee, I decided today might be a bad day to tempt fate #modify.

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