14 men arrived for a Saturday installment of the Rock. Long Distance posted at Day Zero and was told that the pax would mosey to the Rock to join with pax there. He chose to drive over. Cane and Prohibition moseyed over to make 17. VSF raised, disclaimer given, and it went something like this.
Mosey through the lots of AO to lot in front of pavilion
SSH x 25 IC
Merkin x 15 IC
MC x 15 IC
Plank walk x 15 IC
Cane and Prohibition joined COP here. Mosey to pavilion.
Bench Set/Runs
Bench Set followed by a run to designated point and back. 3 rounds.
Bench set: 15 jump up/15 derkin/15 dips
Round 1 to end of athletic field and back. 2: bottom of Entrance 4 and back. 3. Entrance 1 and back.
Mosey to rock pile and grab exercise rock for sets of 20 in civilian cadence.
Press/CDD/Press/CDD/Curls/Tri Extenstions. Drop rock.
Mosey back to athletic field and form a single line behind Cane.
Indian Bear Crawl
Pax bear crawled in single line. Six ran to front of line. Length of field.
20 Burpees OYO
Indian run to entrance 4.
QIC called out pax to call exercises in cadence. Mr. Brady, Mr. Bean, Mall Cop, Brushback. Dolly, Flutter, Rosalita, and unsure of #4. 20 wide merkin OYO.
Mosey around pond near North Face. Through the woods, over rocks, to the bottom of North Face. SSH IC to wait for six.
Triple 3’s
Up NF, 3 burpees, back around and down, 3 burpees, 3 reps
Reverse the mosey to get to the bottom of NF through the woods around the pond and up the hill to lot #7.
Merkin set
10 x merkin civilian cadence: regular, diamond, wide, regular, diamond
Mosey back to launch lot for COT.
Cane and YHC asked to Q DZ so we figured we would reach out to Rock to see if we could converge. Mall Cop was looking for a QIC so YHC took it and our plan was in motion. Strong group out today. We covered a lot of ground. Great to see Mr. Brady today who YHC drove through the hills for the BRR. The guy can run. Strong work by all. The Indian Bear Crawl was not as bad as it sounded when Cane indicated he wanted to do it. The 20 burpees OYO now that was painful. Welcome to our FNG, 13 years old, Larvae, brother of Tadpole. Come back out and get more work done. Strong prayer by Mall Cop to take us out. A pleasure and privilege to lead this group of men today with Cane. Aye!
Mr. Brady mentioned the Ragnar relay in April. 15 or 30 mile options depending on team size. Contact him if interested.
Mud Run next Saturday. Several South Clt workouts will converge at the Rock. Mall Cop says to bring your “A game.”
A few more announcements that I failed to record. Please read your weekly email carefully and get involved in 2nd and 3rd F opportunities.
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