Nice Little Saturday

  • When:9/27/14
  • QIC: Icky Shuffle and Bananas
  • The PAX: Yankee, Icky Shuffle, Bananas, Whitesnake, Fletch, Voo Doo, Boutique, Probation, Gummy, Probation, Hopper, Squeegee (FNG)

Nice Little Saturday

11 men showed for Icky Shuffle’s VQ and were dealt with accordingly.

The thang:

SSH: 20
Merkins: 20
Low slow squats: 10
1 lap on track

Icky set 11 stations for:
Lane 1: sprint to pole and back
2: pick up 70 lb heavy bag, run to cone/back (timer)
3: jump rope
4: dumbbell thrusters with 25’s
5: elbow plank
6: tractor pull with large concrete block on chain
7: dumbbell jabs/boxing
8: bear hug run with bucket full of bells!
9: 55 lb KB swings
10: sledgehammer swings on tire
11: burpees


7:30 switch

1 lap
Back to bells for:
Snatch ladder: 1 each arm, 2 each arm, up to 8 each
1 lap
Snatch ladder 8 back down to 1

One handed swing 30 seconds Left / 30 Right
One arm clean 30 sec L/30 sec R
Push press 30 sec L/30 sec R
One arm snatch 30 sec L/30 sec R
Goblet squat 30 seconds
2 handed swing 60 seconds

3 laps

This crew got after it today. No excuses, no stopping, and plenty of pain. Thanks for letting us lead. Great site and awesome way to start a Saturday.

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Bananas author

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10 years ago

Excellent VQ Icky Shufle! My shoulders are feelin’ it this morning for sure. Thanks for drawing me back to Olympus as it had been a while….and my shoulders are reminding me why. Great job!

The Hoff
The Hoff
10 years ago

Nice work guys! Sorry I couldn’t be there due to BrewRUCK 003 however after seeing this workout, kind of glad I missed it as this looked Horribly Awesome!

10 years ago

Dude. If I’d’ve know that was a 55 pounder at station 9 I might’ve refusniked. Glad I didn’t ask. Just went to my Two-Handed Swing Happy Place. AMIRITE, Bananas?!?

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