Leisurely Stroll to Pineville CMC…. #Sarcasm

  • When:09/26/14
  • QIC: Jamboree
  • The PAX: Hops, Snowflake (KB), Soft Pretzel, Escargot, Chelms aka Tater Tot (KB), Cane (KB), Abacus (KB), Champagne (KB), Daniel San, Steinbrenner, Outback, Puff, Brushback, TJ Hooker, Zuckerburg, Margo, Boomer Sooner, Frasier, Freud, Mighty Mite, Purple Hayes(KB), Hannibal, Rip Curl, Mermaid (KB), Dory, Checkpoint (KB), Red Rocks, Jamboree, Jekyl

Leisurely Stroll to Pineville CMC…. #Sarcasm

The disclaimer was given and 30 strong men explored the fronts and backs of the businesses  along Hwy 51 before reaching the final destination – the parking deck of CMC Pineville.

The Thang:

Fast Mosey .5 miles to field across from Lowes. Plank and hold 6 inches while waiting for the six

Fast Mosey .4 miles behind the shopping center to Outback Steakhouse at HWY 51

Outback picks the exercise (it’s his house after all).

15 Diamonds IC/Hold it 15 sec. at 6 inches

15 Flutters IC/Hold it 15 sec. at 6 inches

Fast Mosey (with 50 yards of backward run).4 miles to CiCis Pizza/ Hold 6 inches to wait for the six

Run final .4 to base of the CMC Parking deck. Plank to wait for the six.

Run up the 5 levels of stairs to top of parking deck.

Partner Up for 3 rounds of parking deck stairs fun

Partner 1 Run down/up stairs/P2 Donkey kicks. Switch

P1 Stairs/P2 Wall sit with air press. Switch

P1 Stairs/P2 Russian Twists. Switch

Hops led Plankorama while everyone finishes

Start Mosey back with 50 yard backward run and planking until we get to Outback Steakhouse again

15 HR Merkins IC (led by Outback)

Mosey by Waffle House and cut through apartment complex with 50 yards of lunges and stopping to plank along the way

Fast Mosey back to base.


Very strong group out there today. I realized that I had a Q failure when our Go Ruck brother showed up before the workout and asked who had canned goods to donate. Everyone looked at him with a blank stare. To add insult to injury we then we proceeded to run 4+ miles that included running up and down the stairs at a parking deck. Chelms (our revered site Q) then informed me as we were fast moseying to Pineville CMC that “Centurion was a boot camp workout not a running workout”. I actually had planned to do more stair running, but ran out of time.  One observation – the Mighty Mite/Chelms  team killed the stair run. Any other observations are welcome. Also, it was great how PH and Frasier took care of the six. It was an honor to lead today..


Brewruck is tomorrow. Check with Dora to see where to take canned goods (since we didn’t bring them today).

Matthews Elementary Tutoring – see Champagne or Frasier or check pre-blast

Let Me Run – Check with Jamboree if you want to help coach at Carmel Middle


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Jamboree author

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9 years ago

Jamboree always delivers! Today was a new benchmark for #Centurion.
My favorite mumble chatter was at the Outback lot; “Who starts with 30 Diamonds?!” #priceless
Also great to see so many new faces at Centurion- Keep coming back! “It doesn’t get easier, but you get stronger.”

9 years ago

Jambo Q never leaves the pax disappointed. The recon work necessary to expand the AO and cover new ground is appreciated. Champagne mentioned he did some swings at home prior to workout, but not sure how Chelms got KB credit. He did, however, send out a tweet yesterday telling several pax to “bring it” to Centurian. #motivation. Purple Haze’s response: “Reminding me to bring it is like reminding me to breath.”

Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Mermaid
9 years ago

Jamboree was just giving me due credit for last week (Cane left me off – guess showing up at 5 and leaving at 5:30 doesn’t count in his book) so all is right .

Deck might be as despised as PH if it were closer. Not enough time to experience the real pain a parking deck can provide.

Reply to  Mermaid
9 years ago

Chelms & PH both somehow got credit for pre-KB. Jamboree must have thought he heard them bickering like the old married couple they are (or long lost brothers).

9 years ago

Knowing it is coming does not make it hurt any less. Jamboree delivers another grenade to my lungs. Full disclosure, on the way back I kept looking forward to the six getting far enough behind that we would need to stop and let them catch up. Is that bad? Although, I will take the CMC parking deck over the Palatine any day of the week. Even with the distance we have to travel to get there. Have I ever mentioned that I hate that hill? shall we name the P deck? Jamboree do you have a call sign for your new found pain device?

As soon as TJ introduced himself as being from Spearhead, I wanted to kick myself. I will take the blame on that one. I should have tweeted something out to the Pax yesterday. Every once in a while I need to be reminded that if I do not put something on my Outlook calendar and set a reminder, I will not remember it. Sadly just putting it on the calendar will not get the job done.

Mighty Mite
Mighty Mite
9 years ago

It’s been a while that I’ve posted and not been the War Baby(that wasn’t another pax’s 2.0). Welcome to Freud!

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