13 pax showed up to work at #F3DayZero.
The Thang
Run 1/2 lap around the track of the McAlpine Proving Grounds then onto the field for COP:
- SSHs x 20 IC
- IWs x 20 IC
- Mtn Climbers x 20 IC
- Merkins x 15 IC
- SSHs x 15 IC
- Up/Downs on the Whistle
4 cones set up for some four corners:
- Round 1 – Run, Slide left, Backward Run, Slide right…x 3
- Round 2 – High Knees, Caricoa left, Backward High Knees, Caricoa right…x 3
- Round 3 – Butt Kicks, Slide left, Backward Butt Kicks, Slide right…x 3
- Round 4 – Bear Crawl, Plank Walk left, Backward Bear Crawl, Plank Walk right…x 3
Mosey to the side field for Gut Busters:
- 10 SSHs, 40 yd Sprint, 10 Merkins, 40 yd Sprint
- 10 Burpees, 40 yd Sprint, 10 Old Man Sit Ups, 40 yd Sprint
- 10 Jump Squats, 40 yd Sprint, 10 Flutter Kicks, 40 yd Sprint
- Rinse and Repeat All the Above
Mosey to the front of the school:
- Bench Set: 15 Jump Ups, 15 Dips, 15 Incline Merkins
- Partner Up for Partner Pushes
- Bench Set: 15 Jumps Ups, 15 Dips, 15 Decline Merkins
- Partner Up for Partner Pulls
- Bench Set: 10 Step Ups (each leg), 10 Dips, 10 Incline Merkins
- Partner Up for Partner Pushes
- Bench Set: 10 Step Ups (each leg), 10 Dips, 10 Decline Merkins
- Partner Up for Partner Pulls
Mosey back to the field for some Mary:
- LBCs x 20 IC
- Dollies x 20 IC
- Freddy Mercury x 20 IC (5 slow, 5 fast, 5 slow, 5 fast)
Two lines for some passing drills:
Drops meant 10 Merkins…we did more Merkins than we’re proud of.
YHC had some Saturday morning fun planned for the start of college football…but first some conditioning needed to be done. Cocky set the tone early sprinting to the front of the pack on the opening lap. Started with a little four corners, which didn’t look like much with the cones only 10 yards apart, but we got the heart rate up and some sweat going early.
Pax did some solid work on the Gut Busters. Ran hard on the Sprints. Again, Cocky and Chipper bringing some 2.0 energy to the Pax. Cocky, much like his Dad, even trash talked YHC one time on the sprint.
Not sure how the other Pax felt…but the pushes and pulls hurt YHC badly.
Radar finished us out a few weeks ago with some passing drills. It was fun. Figured we’d do it again. Some solid efforts out there this morning:
- Spackler laid out for one
- Long Distance showed closing speed on a great grab.
- Stagecoach showed a strong arm out there…probably stronger than any UNC QB actually.
- Splinter ignored the bruises on his hammy and let his instincts kick in to chase down one throw.
- We found out that Chipper throws a mean quick slant…pretty sure he went 7 for 7 for 185 yards.
- Halfway through, Semi-Gloss took off his shirt…cradled one in…slid right down his hairy, sweaty belly. #FullGloss #ExtraSheen
Labor Day convergence at #F3DMZ 0700. Coffeeteria to follow at Panera Arbo
#F3Foxhole on normal Monday schedule
Check the weekly email for workout schedules this coming Friday and Saturday.
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