Days of Thunder

  • When:07/24/2014
  • QIC: Hairball
  • The PAX: Rock Thrill, Molasses, Crabcake, Vineyard, JR Ewing, Parfait, Peaches, Pulled Pork, Morning After, Fireman Ed, Good Hands, Garbage Plate, Philmont, Grimes, Brisket, Bananas, Purple Haze (PR), Zipadee, Hariball (PR & QIC)

Days of Thunder

19 pax assembled under the lights of Stonecrest Motor Speedway despite flashes of lightning and thunder off in the distance. At the drop of the green flag, the pax hit the pavement with speed that would make Cole Trickle blush.

The Thang-

SSH x 25
Merkins x 25
Peter Parker x 25
Parker Peter x 25

Mosey around lot beside Target to hill. Partner up, size matters.

P1 hill, P2 burpees – partner x 50
P1 hill, P2 diamond merkins – partner x 50

LBC x 30 OYO

Mosey to speed bumps

Alternate lunge walk, bear crawl between speed bumps. At each bump partner derkins/OH press alternate x 15 (crowd favorite, shamelessly poached from a previous Muthaship visit)

*Note- YHC went off-weinke and called an Omaha on the “between bump exercises” the bear crawl/lunge walk combo was intended to be partner drags. This audible was not a deliberate modification, but rather O2 deprivation and forgetting the next play #usetheweinke. If the pax feels shorted, feel free to double underhook a coworker and drag them around the office a few laps.

Mosey to Murderhorn (divide hill by 4)

Plank at top. RAF, LLB, LAF, RLB, 6 inches

Backwards run from stop sign at bottom to light post 1, L karaoke to light post 2, R karaoke to light post 3, regular run to top.

Repeato with regular run up full hill

Flutter x 20 until all pax reach top

Mosey to back of movie theater. Victory lap Jailbreak around theater. PH edged out RT to take the checkered flag.

Rosalita x 20


Following the COP heading to the hill, the pax had to play frogger crossing the HT parking lot to avoid the A-team van coming in hot. (To our in-house counsel: the disclaimer was given, but did not reflect any warnings about Mr. T.)

Mumblechatter was surprisingly minimal this morning. Not sure if it was the hills or the absence of @Radar and @Spackler?

Crabcake showed some serious agility breezing up Murderhorn during the backward run/karaoke series. #wheelhouse.

Molasses, Rock Thrill, Haze, and Brisket had their #smokeboots on for the forward facing ascent of the Horn.

About the time we crossed Elm Ln, YHC really began to regret agreeing to meet Haze for the prerun, particularly before taking the Q. ‘Twas a noble strategy to weaken the Q, especially with a practice run up Murderhorn.

Strong work by Philmont and Grimes leading up to the big trip out west.

Purple Haze brought his A game today- prerun plus leading the pack nearly all morning. At #F3FastTwitch earlier this week YHC told Haze he looked like “an old man in a rocking chair on the porch” while stretching the calves before the run. That “old man” smoked everybody today.

Great seeing some new faces in the gloom this morning. Thanks for beating the fartsack and braving the “lightning and thunder” for some great camaraderie in the humidity that is summer in the south.

It was a pleasure leading such a fine group of gents.

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Crabcake author

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10 years ago

Looks like it was good one Hair Ball. I was planning to be there until Soul Glow sent me a “dangerous lightning” text at 0445. I didnt fight it and I should have. I will plan to be at your next Q so I can heckle you accordingly

10 years ago

looks like a great Q brutha! I too tucked away the partner derkins/OH Press. Pax should expect that in YHC’s next Q at Day Zero in August.

Hairball…I seriously hope that you did not let the aforementioned “old man” beat you up murderhorn….hmmm as I type this I remember he beat me up Raintree on Tuesday.

I want a rematch PH.

Reply to  Splinter
10 years ago

Derkin/OH press was “fun” If you use it, give fair warning to have the partners face away from one another…or don’t.

Purple Haze
10 years ago

A solid Q today Hairball…and thanks for joining me on the pre-run before having to Q…that’s always a risk.

I’m really gushing reading this BB…a lot of sunshine being blown up my six. What wasn’t seen was the application of ice packs and the taking of ibuprofen about 30 seconds after walking through my door. So yes, your old man comment is mostly accurate. With that said, I would have owned Splinter again this morning.

Btw, next week’s trifecta is planned: Muthaship Monday, Fast Twitch Tuesday, Run ‘N Gun Wednesday.

10 years ago

Belch. Zzzz Zzzzz. Zzzzz. Belch. Gotta love vacation. Love/Hate that I missed this one. Looked terrible. Haze – quit being a pansy and make it Rumrunner/MSM/FT/RunNGun.

Purple Haze
Reply to  Spackler
10 years ago

Strong words from someone whose all week trifecta has been Screwdriver, Bud Light and Vodka Tonic. See you Monday at the Mutha?

Reply to  Purple Haze
10 years ago

#jealous? And I would never put tonic into this machine. That stuff is bad for you. Not sure jumping right into Mutha is a good idea after this 10 day escapade. I will be at FT Tuesday for sure.

JR Ewing
JR Ewing
10 years ago

Vineyard enjoyed counting the Rosalitas en Español.

Gran entrenamiento, bola de pelo!

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