Parking lots, Partners & Pain

  • When:07/21/14
  • QIC: Hops
  • The PAX: Abba, Tootie, Steinbrenner, Outback, Drexler (WD), Pulled Pork, Brisket, Jamboree, Tardy, Snowflake, Love Bug, One Eye, Hamlet, Chappy, Young Love, Bushwood, Escargot, Rashard, Rapunzel, Love Boat, Hannibal, Scratch & Win, Flutie Flakes, Mr. Drummond, Hops

Parking lots, Partners & Pain

VSF planted.  25 pax assembled.  One minute warning was given, and then without further ado – we headed out about 30 seconds later.

The Thang:

Pax ran over to CAC, one lap around church, circle up.


MC x 25 IC

SSH x 25 IC

H-R Merkin x 25 IC

Slow Squat x 25 IC

Find a partner and run to the church drive-thru wall.

Partner 1 in people’s chair, Partner 2 does 10 derkins w/feet on partners knees.

2 runs lap while 1 stays in chair. Flapjack. Rinse & Repeat.

Partner merkins to 10. Partner 1 does 1 merkin, then partner 2 does 1 merkin. 1 does 2 merkins, 2 does 2 merkins, 1 does 3 merkins, 2 does 3 merkins, etc, etc up to 10 merkins.  Yes it was painful.

Partner 1 flutter kicks while Partner 2 runs length of lot and back. Flapjack.

Partner 1 Freddie Mercury while Partner 2 runs length of lot & back. Flapjack.

Partner 1 plank while Partner 2 does 10 derkins w/feet on 1’s back. Flapjack.  Rinse & Repeat.

Prairie Fire Mary x 30 (10 center, 10 left, 10 right). Flapjack.

Lots of plankorama in between exercises…no rest for the shoulders.

Run another lap around church.

Lunge walk up the sloped lot (more of an incline than you might think).

Jog to starting lot.


Dolly x 13 IC

Knee-Up x 10 IC

Rosalita x 13 IC

One-legged Merkin x 5R; x5L IC

Burpees x 13 OYO

SSH x 13 IC


Ye Olde Moleskine:

Great effort by the pax at DMZ…no surprise there.  Special recognition to Love Boat & Brisket for getting after it.  There were others but YHC was too smoked to take full notice.

Also – T-claps to my partner Mr. Drummond who looks to be much more than 1 month into F3.  Nice work brother.

YHC forgot the disclaimer at the start (no FNGs thankfully).  However, Bushwood busting his #^$ on the first lap reminded me as did one of the pax, thus, the pax was disclaimed.  YHC’s favorite F3 attorney – Young Love – was among the pax so nothing to worry about!

Great to post with some unfamiliar faces yet well-named pax: Rapunzel, Mr. Drummond & Chappy.  There’s no end to the creative monikers bestowed across F3Nation.

I ended up as Q for this morning after texting Skywalker yesterday afternoon: “Who’s on Q at DMZ?” which he replied: “How about you?”  The 17-hour notice was ample time for me to come up with a painful recipe.  Hope I didn’t disappoint the pax’s appetite.  Of course, YHC doesn’t always follow a scripted recipe; often the ingredients for pain stew are just kind of thrown in.  Until next time gents…..keep up the hard work.

Thanks to Snowflake for a great prayer to close COT.


F3 Dads camp – Aug. 15-17 – still time to sign up.

F3 Dads weekly in summer – Freedom Park (Metro) & Beatty Park (Area51)

Sign-up for USMC Mud Run – best event there is – great challenge but even better 2nd F.

Class/Group for men going through divorce, separation, or struggling mightily.  Connect with Scratch & Win or Focker for more info.



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Hops author

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10 years ago

I just figured I was running so fast that I didn’t need to actually run down the stairs…

Also, maybe I need new shoes, but it seemed like I was running on ice #pavementsweat.

10 years ago

Pretty sure your “pain stew” is fast food and wouldn’t require any prep time. Well done this morning.

10 years ago

Pain Stew=buckets of sweat.
Was surprised by the Burpee/SSH finish
Was expecting the traditional CCVs or Makthar_N’Diayes. Great variety today.

Scratch & Win
Scratch & Win
10 years ago

Great Q Hops. Enjoy your leadership!

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