Its a Little Humid today

  • When:07/02/2014
  • QIC: Champagne
  • The PAX: Purple Haze, Danielson, Spacker, Boomer Sooner, Rock Thrill, Abacus, 49er, Young Love, Hannible, The Shore, Bushwood, Steinbrener, Brad Sherril - FNG (Red Rocks), Adam Bickford - FNG (Billy Jean), Brushback, Hairball (WB), Swanson, Haggis, Abba, Hard Hat, Spread Eagle, Scabby, Iron Horse (WD), Lobster Roll

Its a Little Humid today

25 of Area 51’s finest weren’t frightened away by YHC’s pre-blast setting the stage for The Murph, and denied the fartsack to bring it today.

And it was HUMID. Felt like YHC had taken a shower by the end.

The Thang:

Disclaimer – given early to provide time needed for the main event.

5:30 – time to get after it.

1 mile run to McAlpine Elementary, around back to the play ground.
Note: there are some strong runners in the Area51 Pax. Haze, coming off of a 3 mile pre-run and Spackler #Runner Clearly Guinness makes you faster.

100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats – broken into 10 sets of (10, 20, 30)

Then 1 mile run back to launch point.


It was stupid humid this am, making this painful workout even more so.

Solid work by all pax today pushing themselves and getting better. One of the best things about the Murph, it is you against you.

Tons of Larry Birds out there today – Lobster Roll – possible rename to sneaky beast. Dude quietly rolls in and crushes it, then heads back about 15 minutes ahead of the rest of the pax. Solid work brother.

Spacker, Haze, Rock Thrill running back as if they hadn’t just completed 300 squats.

Spread Eagle and Hard Hat pushing it, even though both were self admitted non-runners. Hang with us a while brothers and F3 will change that. Iron Sharpens Iron.

Also have to call out Rock Thrill and Danielson for doing some type of facing squats in unison performance there near the end, very nice and slighly frightening.

Solid work by both Red Rocks and Billy Jean, two FNGs EH’d by Brushback – painful and solid first post brothers – keep coming out. You will get hooked, YHC promises that.

As always, its a privalege and honor to lead you men in the gloom.


No F3 Dads this Saturday – will resume next Saturday

Convergence at the Rock Friday for July 4th. Hops, Bull Dog, and Dora on Q. All other workouts will be converging there. Come on out and bring any and all FNGs in town for the 4th. Great way to start the day. Its also pre-work for the hotdogs and beers to be consumed later.

US Lost – BOO – but Tim Howard is a BEAST.

Thats all I’ve got. If I missed anything sound off in the comments.

Champagne out.

About the author

Champagne author

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10 years ago

Well, that was horrible/fun is some weird way. You know your arms are shot when you get back to Calvary and Q calls plank and you can’t even do that.

Well done, Champagne!

Slim Fast
10 years ago

Haze is putting in some miles this week! It must be the new running shoes. Is Brooks sponsoring you?? Are you giving them a testimonial?? I’m actually thinking I need a pair of those!

Purple Haze
Reply to  Slim Fast
10 years ago

Indeed Brooks is sponsoring me…only cost me about $100 to work with them.

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