Rubbin’s Racin’

  • When:05/17/2014
  • QIC: Hopper, Gummy
  • The PAX: Intel, Kirk, Hops, Runstopper, Vortex (FNG Calvin), Mall Cop, Deep Dish, Blades of Glory, Byron, Iron Horse, Checkpoint, Bulldog, Hoffa, Tadpole, Harley, Hopper (QIC), Gummy (QIC)

Rubbin’s Racin’

17 of Area 51’s finest took on a beautiful morning, launching from a slightly different spot in the vast parking lot that holds The Rock. The Qs adjusted their weinkes accordingly and off we went.

Hopper on Q:

Warm up:

25 SSH
25 Peter Parker

The Thang:

Mosey to Rea Rd

Indian Run for 1 mile

7 s on hill with bear crawl up and lunges down

Merkins on bottom of hill
Squats at the top

Plank after

Catch Me if You Can:

Wide arm Merlin’s for first “lap”
LBCs for second “lap”

Plank in between and after

Circuit work at playground:

15 jump ups
15 pull ups
20 decline Merlin’s
20 Dollys


Hand off to Gummy

Mosey to the park entrance. From there, AYG to the Rea/51 intersection, doubling back to pick up the PAX when you get there.

Mosey across the intersection (disclaimer) to the Calvary sign. Cross the front yard with carioca, butt kickers, frog jumps, etc. Gather at the top of the North Face.

North Face Race

20 of each exercise, then a lap around the trees to the bottom of the North Face, climb to the top and repeat for each exercise.

Squat Jumps

HR Merkins

Ankle Breakers (one legged jump up on to curb)

Carolina Dry Dock

Mosey to parking lot for Mary

Flutter x 20

Dolly x 20

Parker Peter x 20


AYG back to the farther-away-than-expected cars.


Lots of opportunities for racing this morning. From my position in the middle of the pack, it looked like Intel, Checkpoint and Kirk traded off the lead most of the morning.

Special thanks to Intel for letting me grab on to him as I went down the hill during the indian run. I was proud that I stayed upright.

Welcome to FNG Vortex (Calvin). I was trying to think of a good Presbyterian nickname for him (John Calvin), but didn’t come up with it til I got home – TULIP. We’re going to need to recruit another Calvin just for that handle.

Thanks to Hopper for a great first half. It made the second half rough.


Good word from Mall Cop to remember each other’s needs between workouts. Pray for The Rock (the guy, not the site).

I think there were others, but my son called me during the COT, so I lost the recording from here. Sound off in the comments.


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Gummy author

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10 years ago

Great to be back at The Rock…it had been too long. Funniest moment was when we were moseying across Rea, and the elderly lady about had a coronary and slammed on the brakes and threw up both hands. One of us probably should have rolled across the hood or something.

10 years ago

My bad on making us play Frogger across Rea Rd, Hops. Speaking of funny, how did Gummy survive crossing Rea Rd, but almost pulled a Sonny Bono by tripping over a crack in the sidewalk? No wonder his kids were trying to call him….they knew the ole man was bound to hurt himself and they were checking in.

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