3-2-1… The Anti-Cadence

  • When:5/12/14
  • QIC: Mutiny
  • The PAX: Soft Top, Red Rider, Commodore, FOD, Chef Boyarde, Hamlet, Snowflake, Intel, Film Festival, Agony, VooDoo, Hannibal, McGee, Kirk, KitKat, Purple Haze, Rock Thrill, Big Ed, BushWood, Waterseal, TreeKiller, Caveman, Flutie Flakes, Abba, Beefeater, Hammer, Shockhoe Bottom, Brushback (FNG - John Williams), Blades of Glory, Eye Chart, Rashad, Steinbrenner, Mutiny

3-2-1… The Anti-Cadence

YHC boarded his plane from NoDil at about 0505 to depart for his first foray into the neutral zone called DMZ. Rolls up at 0520 and half the PAX are lined up ready to go #earlybirdgetstheworm, a final 33 showed up on the line and we were off…

The Thang

Mosey to Brandermill Hill (does this have a better name?!)


Partner up in groups of 3 for 4 min rounds of 3 man Grinders up and down the hill.

Round 1: Bottom – Merkins/Top – Flutters

Round 2: Bottom – Carolina Dry Docks/Top – Rosalita

Round 3: Bottom – Mountain Climbers/Top – Dolly

Mosey up to hill, regroup, mosey to track with ominous notes from Agony #pastorforeshadowing


Partner up into 2. Partner Mile – Time is imperative so find a watch. Partner A takes a 400 while Partner B does squats. Switch/Repeato for a full mile (split in half per partner).


Individual Mile – take your team mile and try and beat it as an individual. Got a bit of laughter (BS calls in disguise… you guys are nice at DMZ!). Audible to take partner mile time + 1 min… NOW go beat it.

Mosey back to Camilla and partner carry to first speedbump. AYG in.


The Naked Man Moleskin

Strong group out there this morning. YHC isn’t a huge fan of cadence count and “tries” (being keyword) to come up with a Q that doesn’t leave anyone behind but takes advantage of constant movement. Lets be real, YHC can’t count when the gloomy haze comes in.

In addition to my personal aversion to cadence counts, I’m a huge fan of teamwork. Every new exercise we lost a team member and that portion got just that much harder. 1+1=3 when your teammates always look out for you.

Apparently beating your partner mile time as an individual is a bad idea. Especially when the 400’s looked so strong. The +1 min was a good idea and still lead for some strong mile times. We ended the day at just over 3.6 miles – pretty good for a Monday morning!

Big thanks to Skywalker, who unfortunately got a bug and couldn’t be with us, for asking me to Q in the Switzerland of F3. It was an honor as always and you were as welcoming as anyone could hope for.

Great takeout by Abba, thank you for the awesome words.


F3 Golf – Link Here

First Book 5K/Billingsville Fundraiser – Link Here


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Purple Haze
10 years ago

Mutiny, normally it’s Monday’s off for me, get my body ready for the rest of week ahead, including Tuesday’s running at FastTwitch. So I didn’t necessarily plan on 3.6 miles this morning, with the grinder sprints up that hill, that seemed tiny at the start but got progressively more annoying, and then the AYG track work. When a youngster leads, it gets real ugly real fast…and stays that way.

A solid meat n taters workout that got me off to a good week. A good group of men out there this AM, including Kirk, who dialed it in such that I thought he was going to take me all the way to my car during the partner carry.

10 years ago

Appreciate you coming south, Mutiny. Strong lead! At the point of that solo mile, after giving it everything I had on the two 400s, I almost wished I’d gone to Muthaship. That was tough.

I love the partner carry / AYG finishes. Great mud run prep. Purple Haze and I caught up to the Mutiny / Agony partner carry pairing, but we could never quite over take them. Those two plus McGee were flying on the full mile.

Reply to  Kirk
10 years ago

You were killing it in those 400s. If we ran a 5:45 partner mile, your splits had to be insane, because I’m not fast. I was trying my best just not to completely blow the lead you gave us, but I obviously couldn’t hold it. I definitely got teamed up with some A-listers Monday, working with Mutiny/McGee then Kirk. Good for motivation.

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