Ballantyne Hill

  • When:05/09/14
  • QIC: Tiger Rag
  • The PAX: Eight more than Kevlar

Ballantyne Hill

Eight for KB appetizers, 29 for the main course. After the usual disclaimer from the Q and the usual blank stares from the pax we set off to the parking lot by Palestine Hill.

  • Slow Merkins x 10 (3 down, 1 up)
  • Stop-motion merkins (10 or so)
  • Slow squats x 10 (3 down, 1 up)
  • Stop-motion squat jumps (10 or so)

Your basic suicide @ 4 x 40-ish (increasing distances).  An attempted belly start with no arms didn’t work but not for lack of trying.  Then your basic reverso-suicide with decreasing distances also @ 4 x 40 yds.  Stop motion lunge walk x 20 yards to start.

Then off to search for hidden treasure in the grass.  (8) 3-man teams on the plates and the rest do Up and Overs on Valentine Hill.

  • Pax 1: Hairburners 2 x 40 yds
  • Pax 2: Run 2 x 40 yards
  • Pax 3: Warrior 3.  It’s yoga.  Deal with it.

PROMOTED CONTENT: A shameless plug for a new workout starting in June called Flex.  Flex is a recovery and mobility workout that will incorporate rehab/prehab movements such as stretching, foam rolling, balance work, stability balls, recovery bands and the like. The goal is to address current sore spots and to work to prevent future ones. Time and location TBD.  Notice it’s “mobility”;  not yoga.

Back to programming….all team members do three Hairburners and three Up and Overs on Alkaline Hill, a shakeout mosey, then Mary.

  • One-legged dolly
  • Other-legged dolly
  • Stop motion dolly
  • One-legged flutter
  • Other-legged flutter
  • Stop motion flutter
  • 5 burpees for the road

Slow mosey back to the house, so easy a Caveman could do it.  Redirect activities from #LittleHercules’ and short-armed Feats of Strength to some emotionally satisfying Down Dog.


Ye Olde Moleskine

  • I usually spend my Fridays with the Protestant half of the Reformation (Luther Rulz!) at Kevlar but Centurion was one of only two workouts I hadn’t yet visited.  Bagpipe–keep an eye out for plates in the bushes…
  • Hairburners still stink.
  • Asinine Hill lives up to its name.  (Reminds me of Foxworthy’s Redneck Words: I give her asinine but her face a 1).
  • Time is up.  Fill in the rest below.

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Tiger-Rag author

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Chelms aka Tatertot
10 years ago

I think the PAX expects hard workouts at Centurion and this one was right up there with the best of them. The mix provided required use of all major muscle groups and heavy on the cardio.

Expecting free beer at next HDHH for my session on proper burpee form. The false rumors being spewed over last several weeks were proven wrong with my near flawless form.

Nice try to rename Palentine Hill but Escargot and Purple Haze are proud of the name and the Centurion board of regents decided not to accept any of the Q’s proposed changes to the name. The hill is a BEAST, especially when it’s wet and the grass is long (Q up the dirty jokes). YHC and at least one other slid down the first time (not face first).

Hair burners are one of my favorites – brutal but nothing gets the heart rate up like that little gem.

High Tide
Reply to  Chelms aka Tatertot
10 years ago

Chelms, I’ll leave the old guy/senile jokes for PH & Radar to make, but I’ll have to say, anyone who says “hair burners are one of my favorites” does make me wonder…

I am glad to hear the burpess were near flawless. The rumored flawed form was nearing legendary status at some of the AO’s I frequent.

Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  High Tide
10 years ago

They are one of my favorites because you don’t feel like you wasted your time gettig out of bed in the am after having done a few. Plus, I’ll sleep like a baby tonight. They definitely suck while your doing them.

High Tide
10 years ago

TR, I’m looking forward to Flex, as I have none but desperately need it. Call it mobility, yoga, stretching, whatever – I’m in!

10 years ago

Hairburners suck. T-claps to TR and Champagne for outfitting Cane and I for pre-KB and for the guidance on proper form. Tough workout TR.

10 years ago

For some silly reason I had the idea we would not see the plates for Hair Burners this morning w/ off campus tour. Should have known TR would be up pre-KB to drop off presents for PAX. Even arranged to have moving truck temporarily hide them out of sight. Thanks for the beat-down this morning TR, I think.

10 years ago

Another excellent TR-led workout. I wish I had known about the KB appetizer, but I probably would have died if I’d done it. Thanks to Chelms for the example of correct burpee form. Flex sounds interesting…

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