Just Push It. How Hard Can It Be?

Just Push It. How Hard Can It Be?

You can tell Spring is here as the weather has turned.  With the warmer temperatures, 34 guys ventured out of the fartsack to see what all the fuss was about at Death Valley.  The shovel flag was planted and off we went.

Start off with a little jog around the parking lot.


  • SSH x 25
  • Double Burpees x 10 OYO
  • Mountain Climber x 25
  • Plank Jacks x 25
  • Seal Jacks x 25
  • Count off by 5’s  – I think this was the hardest exercise of the day


Head over to Tiger Rag’s car to pick up 1 plate for each group.  Down to the track.

Round 1:

  • P1 – Starts hair burners around track
  • P2-Pn – 10 burpees then run and catch P1.
  • Rotate all partners thru going all the way around the track.
  • At finish line, do LBC’s until all groups finish

Round 2:

  • P1 – Starts hair burners around track
  • P2-Pn – 10 wide arm merkins then run and catch P1.
  • Rotate all partners thru going all the way around the track.
  • At finish line, LBC’s or some other ab exercise until all groups finish

Round 3:

  • P1 – Starts hair burners around track
  • P2-Pn – 10 jump squats then run and catch P1.
  • Rotate all partners thru going all the way around the track.
  • At finish line, LBC’s or some other ab exercise until all groups finish

Round 4:

  • P1 – Starts hair burners around track
  • P2-Pn – 10 groiners then run and catch P1.
  • Rotate all partners thru going all the way around the track.
  • At finish line, LBC’s or some other ab exercise until all groups finish

Quick Mary:

  • Dolly x 25
  • Protractor
  • 1 legged Dolly x 10 each leg

Back to the lot for COT


  • Okay, so counting off by 5’s (which should have formed 7 groups) was more difficult that you might think.  There was even some engineer in the crowd saying we should have 5 groups because we are counting off by 5’s.  My intent was 7 groups of 5 (actually 1 group would have 4), but somehow we ended up with 5 groups anyway???  Not sure how that happened, but it all worked fine.  I think we all appreciated having a couple extra in each group.
  • It didn’t take long to be reminded that pushing weight plates are not as easy as you might think.  TR must have put glue on the bottom of our group’s…at one point he was pushing with all his might but was stuck.  I think someone (Fireman Ed or Brown maybe?) went flying over the plate when it came to a screeching halt.
  • 1 mile of hair burners.  The weinke was nice and simple, but that doesn’t mean it was easy.  Strong work by everyone this morning.
  • Not sure where Wolman went.  He was in YHC’s group but I didn’t see him after round 1.  I think he must have joined a larger group to reduce the reps on the plate.  Smart move.  Although he wasn’t in COT either??  Someone joked it was harder than Spearhead.
  • T-claps to the 2 FNG’s who posted this morning.  That was a heck of a way to start your F3 experience.  Hope to see you back out soon.
  • Sound off in the comments if you have any other amusing things to share.


  • We’re looking for some support from the men of F3 Nation to help with a Trips for Kids Ride on Saturday 4/5.  We’re taking about 15 of the kids from the AG Middle School Bulldogs Matter tutoring program for a morning of mountain biking at Francis Beatty Park. Contact Far Side (Frank.Larsen@cbre.com) if you think you can help out.
  • New 3rd F Group: Threshold starts today Wednesday, April 2nd at Noon – Morrison Cafeteria bldg. – “True Measure of a Man” by R.E. Simmons, III. Site Q’s: Semi-Gloss & Splinter
  • HDHH tonight on the road at Bradshaw Social House, 6pm
  • F3 golf – sign up
  • Mud run bus transportation sign up. Contact Stagecoach with questions.
  • BRR – contact Baracus if interested in being a sub.

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10 years ago

Forgot to mention that I was site FNG today, and oh, what a welcome to Death Valley!

I’m convinced that somewhere there are a lot of empty glue bottles, but like flight 370, we may never find them.

10 years ago

My hamstrings and back are big Stagecoach fans right now. I wonder if we need to start an open thread to debate the spelling of churriville…

Reply to  Bananas
10 years ago


10 years ago

I attempted to explain what we did this AM to a muggle and it was a very strange conversation.

– HH

10 years ago

Good to see FNG Open House making it through. Not exactly a good workout to ease him in and apparently the merlot spillage occurred when he walked through his front door. Great job Stagecoach!

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