Twitch adds 15

Twitch adds 15

Because 45 min isn’t long enough?  10 men (1 site FNG – Runstopper) brushed aside the anxiety of having to endure not just 45 min but a full hour of Fast Twitch suck.

The Thang

In line formation, tempo run to a hill back in some neighborhood (about 1 mile).  Once at base of hill stay in line for The Indian Run 20.  20 merkins, Indian run up the hill, 19 merkins, down the hill, 18 merkins and so forth until finished.  Once finished we stayed in Indian run formation back to South Charlotte Middle School and convened at the track for 100 yard sprints.  Probably did about 12-14 x 100 yard sprints.

Mosey to the crappers.  The Semi Gloss on and off for about 5 minutes with arm raises.

Total mileage – 4.8 with 210 merkins


YHC was honored and anxious to lead FT’s first ever hour long workout.  On several occasions attending FT, 45 min in itself is a long slow period of hell.  But no, let’s add an additional 15 mins.  Tell you what though, everyone put in excellent effort and it is so cool to see everyone getting in such good shape.  I would put FT up against ANY workout in Area51 as far as toughness and endurance is concerned.  Cue the SOB commentary.  Welcome Runstopper as a site FNG!  Not sure who lied and/or tricked you to coming out but it was great to see you look like a FT veteran.



If you aren’t signed up for mudrun and would like to participate, we’ve had some injuries and need some replacements.  Talk to Stagecoach.

Need standby runners for BRR.  Chelms is going to back out at some point so he will need a replacement.  But seriously, we will have guys get hurt and forced to sit out in preparation for this event so just put your name on a standby list.

New 3rd F starting today (?) in SP at the Bojangles at 12pm – Measure of Spackler is the book.


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Chelms aka Tatertot
10 years ago

I’m willing to bet Purple Haze came up with the evil idea to add 15 minutes to the workout. At least the added work convinced RS to join us so that was a good thing.

My checks in the mail for BRR. I’ll do almost any CUSP event at least once (except Go Ruck – no thanks).

Purple Haze
Reply to  Chelms aka Tatertot
10 years ago

Chelms, not every evil idea comes from me. However, I did lob the idea of 1 hour out there, since all the other running workouts are an hour. You’re welcome.

What is CUSP?

Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Purple Haze
10 years ago

Completely and Utterly Stupid and Pointless. Did I get it wrong?

So it was your idea. Every evil idea may not be yours but as of now I don’t know of anyone else that does it as consistently as you do. Yeah – I know – just making me stronger.

Purple Haze
Reply to  Chelms aka Tatertot
10 years ago

CSAUP…Completely Stupid And Utterly Pointless. I think it’s trademarked. Also, you can buy a T-shirt.

By the way, Spackler didn’t bite on my idea to work our way back down from 20 on the hill run and merkins. Although, that may not have been as evil as the sprints.

Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Purple Haze
10 years ago

Just seeing if you were paying attention (unlike me when I posted the comment and didn’t check my spelling). I was part of the team that did one of the first CSUP events – Marine Corp Mud Run and Spartan Beast in the same day. Believe me – I know what CSUP is.

Cheese Curd
10 years ago

Solid work Spackler! FT is no joke and now is an hour long…why not. Were already there 15 min earlier, it should always be 60min. I assume our mud run team is gonna be sprinting it this year, I hope I can keep up!
Regarding the age old question, “do you give it you all during a workout or keep some in the tank”. When it comes to the last sprint of the day, I realized I leave some in the tank. I beat no one thought it was me running past you. Again, emphasis on the LAST one! Good work by the PAX keeping me motivated today, not by your words, but your foot steps!

10 years ago

Spackler – Header, Stone Cold, and myself have you topped by 15 mins pal. 0500 3.5 miler followed by 45 minutes of sprints and big bells at Skunk Works. Boom!

Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Bulldog
10 years ago

You guys are fighters. Fast Twitch men are lovers. Fast and lean.

Purple Haze
Reply to  Bulldog
10 years ago

Spackler, you really went over the top when you combined partner carrying, farmer carrying 50LB KBs and the 100 yard dashes. Fast and huge.

10 years ago

Not to mention, Skunk is sponsoring a golf hole to benefit the F3F. Don’t recall seeing Fast Twitch or Bagpipe on that list…

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