Covering some new ground

Covering some new ground

The virtual flag was flying high and we had 17 pax for this pleasant, Feb morning.  Several pax arrived with tires squealing and brakes smoking, but everyone was able to take off and away we went.

The Thang

Split into pairs- size does not matter

From the lot run towards Walgreens

P#1 – back peddle until caught

P#2 – 3 merkens catch-up w/ partner 1

At the corner before the turn to Walgreens, YHC audibled and broke the partner carry due to traffic and space, so complete mosey to lot


COT (is it a workout w/out)…..

SSHx 20 , Merkens x 15, IW x 12   and moving on!


Retaining wall and Curb  / 90 sec intervals (all cadence OYO)

1) P#1 Finger tip pull-ups to fail, then hang to fail and/or Wall sit w/jack web       /     P#2 Curb calf raises (Inside, outside and standard)

2) P#1 Balls to wall (shift L&R and/ or push ups)   / P#2 Curb toe taps

3) P#1 Deep squat to jump ups      /  P#2 Curb Mtn Climbers

4) P#1 Wall Sit/ Jack web  /  P#2 Curb step ups

5) P#1 Finger tip pull-ups to fail then hang to fail or Wall sit w/jack web /  P#2  Curb jump ups


Curb Merkens and LBC

20 Incline, 20 decline and 40 LBC


Mosey back to the way we came, repeato on the partner back pedal / 3 merken catch up.  Arrive at the rock pile


Now find 3 ttl pax and one of you go get a “Rock that you would be proud of”

Relay Race- non stop for 12mins

P#1 SSH    /  P#2  run with rock to / P#3  LBC , swap rock and run to P#1 and repeato .

We also did,

p1 Mason Twist/ p#2 run w/ rock / p3 Merken

p1 Flutter/ p#2 run w/ rock  / p3 Seal Jack


3 man Plank Merken- few audibles regarding method, but settled on the original 3 person

-Similar to Indian run formation, but legs on shoulders of fellow man.

-Do 3 push ups and move from back to front

Mosey back to the parking lot


1 MOM- getting your moneys worth

Boat / Canoe


Naked Moleskin

– This was my first Q at Centurion, sorry if my head was in the clouds this AM.  This head and chest cold w/ addition to some good meds from the DR and no hops, it’s not the flu (I was tested), I just felt slightly out of it.  Either way, thanks for allowing me to lead, I always have fun putting a workout together.

– I can’t even tell you who arrived at exactly 0530 (maybe later).  Nice Job boys.  I intended to run and pick you up with the rest of the Pax, but I realized when I said run to 51, they took the shorter route- well played.

–  I heard some mumble chatter for using a new wall at Walgreens, hope you liked it.  It looked good on my recon trip so I wanted to spend sometime there.

– Ok, YHC took a lot of crap about his F3 handle, many of you seem to be cheese coinsures:)  I think I also overheard comments about finger tip pull ups on the wall.  The wall was textured making them harder, but I found if you were creative with you position, it wasn’t so bad.

-Apparently a few pax had concern on my form on occasion and was also counting my pull ups (Mic Check) I said, head cold, just tying to remember what was next.

– I was proud that at least one team picked a “boulder” for the relay race.  Please sound off if someone took a small one.

– Since numbers did not workout, I got to partner with our solo rucker- Udder and we made the best out of swapping the ruck v rock.  Sorry Udder, I had a party foul and set the Ruck down (several times)- my bad!



– F3 has a discount for the Spartan Race on March 23, I am doing all 3 this year and would like to have more Area 51 guys out there.

– GoRuck there is STILL time to get in, but please hurry. Go to webpage for details

– BRR this will close out soon…see our website

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Cheese Curd author

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Mighty Mite
Mighty Mite
10 years ago

One of my only posts last week was at Centurion on Friday. Today’s post didn’t seem like the in same place compared to the snow and ice covered landscape the Hops, Haze, Escargot, and I slipped around on last week.

Mic Check
Mic Check
10 years ago

Nice lead Curd. Very creative use of the grounds.

Pudding Pop was in charge of picking out the rock for our 3 man team and hobbled back with a boulder. It certainly wasn’t easy lugging that thing around.
Strong work Pudding and Mighty.

You couldn’t ask for better February weather today. It was even warm enough for Rolling Rock to make it out.

10 years ago

Good Q Curd. Kotters to Frack – glad you’re officially off the DL. And welcome to Indian Hill – FNG to Centurion?
Good to know Puddin’ Pop is in my neighborhood. We got serious clowncar potential now with MC, Curd, Puddin’ Pop and Pele.
Chelms and Abacus must have celebrated too much with Carolina beating Duke….there was much rejoicing in my home as well. M. Hops was fired up and kept stating how great it felt to beat Coach K (or ratface or something like that).

Reply to  Hops
10 years ago

Guilty as charged. Thoroughly enjoyed watching the Tar Heels take out the Dookies last night. Thought about posting at Centurion, but just wasn’t in the cards after a late night of b-ball viewing.

10 years ago

Did not watch the game, but had a friend in town I had not seen in a very long time. Posting was not a good idea. Great to see Indian Hill on the list, hope to see you back brother. Sorry I missed the great discussion at the Stand. Hitting the rock the morning. Aye!

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