The shovel flag was planted and 19 men (including 2 with a ruck sack) gathered to end the week with some mud run training (sans mud)
The Thang:
COP (warm up) – SSHX25, MerkinsX20, 30 burpees (someone missed an obstacle but don’t know who – moaning starts early).
Run up and down the hill three times and then to parking lot for partner carries.
Partner 1 carries 2 to 2nd light, switch, and partner 2 carries 1 back to starting point. Rinse and repeat.
Run to rock pile and find an appropriate sized rock (no pebbles). Push presses until all the PAX arrive and then 30 more. Run around football field to opposite end zone for 30 more push presses, and then back to rock pile. Plank while PAX finishes.
Run to the wall in the small parking lot for 10 wall climbs.
Run up Little Ave to shopping center for ciruit runs with Burpees. Partner 1 starts on upper level and partner two on lower. 1 Burpee, run to other level, 2 burpees, run to other level, etc up to 7.
COP for Jay Lo (get well soon LD) X20, Dolly X15, LBC X15, and Flutter X15
Run back down Little Ave to CCHS for:
Nake Moleskin:
Purple Haze and Udder show up to mud run training with Ruck Sacks and the Q thinks “WTF – dissing me this am”. Ruck Sacks and mud runs don’t really go together but I figured these guys wanted some hard work for Go Ruck preparation so no change i the plan (#weinkenotneeded). I forgot to check to make sure PH had bricks and not a teddy bear and pillow in his ruck (#heisacraftyone).
Mighty Mite said it was one of the longest 45 minute workouts he can recall. I think that was a good sign that we pushed pretty hard since he was the WB.
Strong work by the entire PAX. Our workout was not far off from what the mud run feels like, sans mud, so every man in the PAX can do it. As always it was an honor to lead such a great group of men.
Farside is organizing bike ride for the kids in Bulls Dogs Matter (after school program at AG) for Saturday, March 8 from 8:30 to 1:00pm at Francis Beaty Park. We could probably use some more bikes as there are 60 kids (not all will show up) and only 15 bikes. Watch for announcement once we get closer. Good event to bring out middle school 2.0’s.
Mud run training on the 15th near Indian Trail, check web site for details.
Many opportunities for third F, including right after Centurion at the Panera up the street. Contact Hops or PH if interested in learning more.
Abacus and I want to thank evertibe again for all the prayers for our younger brother Bill who is fighting a nasty brain cancer. The prayers are working and my family appreciates all the support.
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