Tote the Rock

Tote the Rock

Posted on behalf of Jamboree.

With the big game on Sunday, who can we count on to tote the rock?

With the temperatures still in the mid teens, YHC decided to start hard and start fast. The large landscaping rocks at the end of the stadium were used  as instruments of pain. Knowing what was ahead, YHC chose his rock wisely. Others were more bold in their choices (i.e. Haggis and Snowflake) and may have gotten more of a workout than they bargained for. Here’s what went down:


Mosey to back of stadium and grab rock

Run to Catholic practice field

7 Russian Twists w/rock ( in cadence)

Run the Catholic practice field(approx. 100 yards) with rock (like a football) in right hand out and in the left hand back

14 Rock Hoppers over rock (in cadence)

7 Russian Twists

Run the field 

21 slow Squats with Rock (in cadence)

14 RH

7 RT

Run the field

28 Shoulder presses (Civilian)

21 S Sq.

14 RH

7 RT

Run the field

35 curls (civilian)

28 SP

21 S SQ.

14 RH

7 RT

Run the field

42 Crunches with rock on stomach (in cadence)

35 Curls

28 SP

21 S SQ

14 RH

7 RT

Run the field

49 second hold doing protractor with rock on stomach

42 Crunches

35 Curls

28 SP

21 S Sq.

14 RH

7 RT

Run the field

56 seconds of plank hold with rock on back

49 sec. of protractor

42 Crunches

35 Curls

28 SP

21 S SQ

14 RH

7 RT

Run the field one last time

Mosey back to put rocks up then to COT



•Great job by the pax today on the frozen tundra

• YHC intentionally decided to have a workout that included no side straddle hops, no merkins, and no burpees. Judging from the chatter,  it still was a successful painfest.

• Haggis picked up the side of a curb and Snowflake picked up a boulder. As we were running to the field, YHC told Snowflake that he might regret that choice. As it turns out, I think MT switched rocks with him halfway through to give him relief.

On the last sprint, Haggis decided to do extra LBCs rather than carry his large coupon.

• There was a lot of counting this morning as the count went up to 56 in multiples of 7 in honor of all the touchdowns Peyton’s going to put up this week-end. Philmont commented that YHC sounded like a metronome, which unfortunately had YHC thinking about his 5th grade piano teacher, Mrs. Prunty.

• It was an honor shepherding (without the rod and staff) such a fine group of men this morning. Now, it’s time to line up with the other sheep (from The Stand). I am Third.


• Hops is leading Ascent tomorrow at Old Providence Elementary.Great workout for those rehabbing or FNGs

• Sign up for BRR

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Purple Haze
11 years ago

Nothing fun about this workout Jamboree. I was tired of my rock by the time we made it to the practice field…but we certainly got more acquainted throughout the morning. Very hurtful. #FrozenFingertips

I was beside Snowflake and he definitely was not enjoying his choice of boulder. Was also beside Blades of Glory…each time we did the Russian Twists, there was at least one person around him that made some wise-crack comment about the upcoming Sochi games he’s leaving for on Sunday.

Chelms aka Tatertot
11 years ago

Looks like I picked perfect morning to fartsack and work out next to the fern at lunch. Sub 20 temps (I’ve had enough) and Jamboree with another man sized beat-down.

11 years ago

Self proclaimed member of the picked the wrong rock club. Strong Q Jamboree. Was happy to see 0615 after the onslaught of repetitive pain.

11 years ago

After several mistakes in the past on rock selection, I now know the value of grabbing a moderately sized rock when instructed to pick up a coupon. It certainly did not keep me from the misery of carrying that frozen token of pain and the extra 15-20 lbs I put on during my IR. Great Q Jamboree, I am already sore. Aye

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