DMZ – Backblast

DMZ – Backblast

Nearly 30 PAX came out for a balmy 50 degree DMZ gloom session. Kim Jung would be proud.

The Thang:

All CAC, all morning. Run around the parking lot then a warm up:

SSH X 50, Merkin X 20, Peter Parker X 15

People’s Chair with partner Derkins (X10), run around CAC, 10 lunge walks, 20 dips, run to bottom of the parking lot, 3 burpees while your partner runs up the hill backward, catch him and flapjack (AYG to the top).

Rinse and repeato X 3 with extra burpees for seasoning.

Groups of 3: One partner does burpees on one end of the parking lot while another does LBCs on the other while another runs between. Burpees became Wide Arm Merkins became Diamond Merkins; LBCs became Dollies became Low Slow Flutters.

CAC courtyard for 6 Minutes of Mary:

Dolly X 20, Rosalita X 25, Russian Twist X 30, LSF X 25, Freddy X 50 (yes 50).


Strong showing from the PAX. Lot of heavy breathing going on. T Claps to the FNG (Asbestos) who should have received his money’s worth. T Claps to FOD/Hamlet for pushing me. Billingsville needs volunteers (contact Chelms). Please keep Jen Pagnane in your prayers. Well done gents. Aye.

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Cheese Curd
10 years ago

Swiper, let me be the first to say that was a smoker. Great movement and when it comes to calling out cadence, you managed to do it the entire workout, smack talk (very funny) and still hit high numbers! I think your the few que’s that can actually count that high in Spanish. Props to Skywalker living up to the request.

I have always wanted to say the workout was bananas, however he was actually my partner today. Good workout there…and Drexler too, on the 3’s.

Most of the Pax are starting their week of F3, I am ending it due to travel until Friday, thanks Swiper for finishing the week of right! And recognizing that my name is Cheese Curd not Turd…whew, glad we cleared that up!

10 years ago

Swiper, great workout Brother. I was bringing up the rear today due to a little back issue but still managed to get a good workout due to your solid lead.

And Cheese Curd, just for the record, I can count much higher (and speak more Spanish) than young Swiper despite the fact that he majored in Spanish at our mutual alma mater.

I think he may have been informally majoring in #BeerDrinking and skipping a few of his Spanish classes. I never did that when I was there, of course.

10 years ago

Great lead, that was my first post at DMZ, and it’s a strong group. Enjoyed seeing some new faces and terrain. I sure appreciated the downhill running straight ahead over the uphill portion in reverse con burpees. Next stop, Slowtwitch aka Skunkworks, you boys come and get some with Stone Cold on Q tomorrow. Should be nice and warm.

10 years ago

Thankful I didn’t cropdust my partner Intel during the people’s chair/derkins…he certainly would’ve dumped me on my head…and rightly so. I was not so kind to my childhood pal – Dick Clark – during 6 MoM – apologies brother. M. Hops’ beef stew last night was no friend to the pax this morning.
Great Q Swiper….50 Freddie Mercurys to finish?….you are Kim Jung.
And I didn’t recognize Chelms without the winter lid…pretty sure I’d miss you completely if I ever saw you in regular civilian clothes brother.
Another great rendition of DMZ to start the week fellas. Aye!

Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Hops
10 years ago

It’s hard to recognzie a face from behind. That’s why the lid sticks out but not my face. #cheapshot

Reply to  Chelms aka Tatertot
10 years ago

you speak from experience…for instance when I was Larry Birdin’ ya at Governator last week.

Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Hops
10 years ago

True – that hill hurt. Rematch at Centurion Friday?

Reply to  Chelms aka Tatertot
10 years ago

sure…as if you’re not normally trying to finish first…as am I – aye!

Field of Dreams
Field of Dreams
10 years ago

Swiper stepped up our game this morning. Thank you brother. And Skywalker, way to take us out. Made a better Monday.

10 years ago

Swiper, for a guy who investigates cyber crime, you certainly don’t know much about #Twitter do you?

Sincerely yours,


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