Why stop at 10?

Why stop at 10?

34 fine fellas took the bait on the pre-blast (see video for those who missed it) and dialed it up one more notch this morning at Skunk Works.


11 burpees on yer own.
Partner up and fireman carry chasers to parking lot with 11 merkins of choice.

All cadence count:
SSH x 11
Stagger merkins right x 11
Stagger merkins left x 11
Two handed swings x 11
Right arm high pulls x 11
Left area high pulls x 11
KB hoppers x 11
Diamond merkins on KB x 11

Mosey to bottom of parking lot
1) Tea baggers x 11
Sprint to road and back
2) KB curls x 11 plus exercise #1
Sprint to road and back
3) Alternating lunges x 11 plus exercise #1 and #2
Sprint to road and back
4) Two handed swings x 11 plus exercise #1, #2, and #3
Sprint to road and back
5) Goblet squats x 11 plus all of the above
Sprint to road and back
6) Push presses x 11 plus all of the above (switch to civilian count)
Sprint to road and back
7) Good mornings x 11 plus all of the above
Sprint to road and back
8) Two handed high pulls x 11 plus all of the above
Sprint to road and take KB.



Early humor this morning as Cottonmouth pulled up and dropped a massive 5lb kettlebell in the middle of the pax! It may have been a good idea to pick the little fella for this mornings workout…
During the pre workout banter the cars just kept coming and YHC was concerned about the lack of space on the hill for the combine type set up. Some old chestnuts reappeared in the form of Runstopper and 49er which was great to see. The theme stemmed from site Q Harley stating that the workout needed to be an “11” out of 10 on the toughnesss scale and I’m hoping it did not dissapoint.
After a somewhat extended warm up it was time to hit the hills. We started way down low and had to manoevre over three elevations to reach the summit. Fletch and Busch were leading the way on the sprints with Good Hands and Bugeater hanging close. After each sprint back down the pax had to rack the bell to move on. Nightcourt with his first post of 2014 (?) tended to be the one we were waiting on as he staggered up from his knees!
The plan was to do eleven exercises all military count but the hands of time saved us all.
Great job by all this morning and a warm welcome to FNG Joel H (Hamish) who was EH’d by Country Livin.
Pleasure leading you this morning lads and comment away on anything that was missed.

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Bulldog author

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10 years ago

Thank goodness for the civilian counts at 6…that was BruTal Bulldog. Goblet squats and lunges were excruciating towards the end – great lead.

Hair Band
10 years ago

I can’t let Nightcourt take all the heat, these short legs don’t stride well. As typical when it comes to running I was toward the end. So unless I happened to rack before he did, I was right there also.

I think I would have preferred to bring my guitar and amp (at 11) and give you background music.

It was a solid, amp’ed up workout! I had not been out to Skunkworks since before Christmas so it was good to get back on schedule.

Great job Bulldog!

10 years ago

When I requested an “11” from Bulldog, I knew it would be hard…well done. Totally smoked and almost spilled.

I was a bit surprised that Bulldog was not familiar with the Spinal Tap reference, given his British accent (which surprisingly disappeared towards the end of the workout). But I guess that’s understandable since the classic mockumentary is about a fake British heavy metal band.

Well done to TR with the quote reference on Twitter to “You can’t really dust for vomit.” But we were close. Lots of other good quotes if you have not seen this classic.

10 years ago

This was a total SMOKEFEST for sure…. Well done BD…. However, there are still a few unmentionable visions I can’t lose….

I wasn’t around for the 5lb KB that CM dropped off but I must assume he found it in the woods and was simply trying to return it to Mall Cop who must have lost it.

Mall Cop
Reply to  Zippidy
10 years ago

Wow Zip, why you gonna hate on a brother? You know I swing a 35 lb bell. Why don’t you come out to The Rock Sat and see if you can hang with the toys I’ll be breaking out? You can even wear your M’s sweater that you wore to the Christmas party to keep you warm since the child air will be returning!

Looks like a great one BD! Sorry I missed it?

10 years ago

That was ridiculous. Harley got hit with sniper fire at the end but was able to pull out of a possible nosedive. Dragging that bell back to home base was just the final kick in gut for the morning. Great job Myagi. Up! Up! Out! Out! Daniel-son learned his lesson today.

Good Hands
10 years ago

Well done today, Bulldog! Totally smoked. Only Bulldog can squeeze that much into a 45–minute workout. If not for a couple of 10-counts, I think we would have seen some merlot, including my own.

10 years ago

Great Q out there today. I am assuming we missed out on exercises 9, 10 and 11 in the set and I am not complaining about that one bit. I am on Q here next week. It’s going to take that long to recover and come up with hopefully something close to that level of pain.

Reply to  Bulldog
10 years ago

Thankfully the sniper narrowly missed, although I did think at the time that it would have been nice to just lay down.

10 years ago

I thought it was going to be 45mins of IW’s! Completely duped.

Awesome work out there Bulldog, great lead!

10 years ago

That was a lot of movement for a muscle-head KB workout. Did not know the skunk pax could move like that. Uh, can I get another order of SMOKED please? Donkey Kong was his usual self as I swear he intentionally did just enough to beat me. Don’t you have a mountain, tree, or building to climb? Great lead bulldog. Borderline crazy workout. Perfect.

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