No Resolutions Required – Area 51 Jan 1 Convergence

No Resolutions Required – Area 51 Jan 1 Convergence

When you get up by 6:30AM on New Year’s Day to break a sweat, you are off to a good start to the year. 

The Thang – Stagecoach

Group 1:


  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • IW
  • Hand Release Merkins

Hill work:

  • 11’s with Burpees and Jump Squats

Little bit of people’s chair, wall planks and wall mountain climbers

Group 2:

Ring of fire:

1 Pax calls exercise for group to perform while he runs around circle


  • 10 burpees per minute for 10 minutes

Group 3:

Core Starfish:

  • Heels to Heaven
  • Dying Cockroaches
  • LBC’s
  • Backscratchers
  • Dolly
  • 5 burpees at center in between each station

Bear crawl with incrementing merkins at each parking space

Ring of fire:

1 Pax calls exercise for group to perform while he runs around circle

Little bit of people’s chair, wall planks and wall mountain climbers

The Thang – Young Love

 Group 1:

Off-road trail run to lower baseball field. 


  • Plankorama while waiting for group to assemble
  • SSH
  • 10 burpees OYO
  • IW
  • 25 burpees OYO

Mosey to baseball diamond for some work on the base paths:

  • Round 1: 20 squats at home; bear crawl to 1st; 10 single-leg (R) squats; dragon walk to 2nd; 20 squats; bear crawl to 3rd; 10 single-leg (L) squats; dragon walk home; squats until all have arrived home.
  • Round 2: 20 merkins at home; lunge walk to 1st; 10 exploding merkins; lunge walk to 2nd; 20 merkins; lunge walk to 3d; 10 exploding merkins; lunge walk home; plankorama until all have arrived

Fast mosey to upper baseball field for some speed work:

  • Sprint AYG from right field fence to centerfield
  • 10 merkins
  • Sprint AYG back to fence (crash into fence)
  • Sprint AYG to centerfield
  • Sprint AYG back to fence (stop 2 feet short of fence because crashing into fence sucks)

Mosey back to parking lot.

Group 2:

Off-road trail run to lower baseball field. 


  • Plankorama while waiting for group to assemble
  • 10 burpees OYO

Mosey to baseball diamond for some work on the base paths:

  • Round 1: 20 squats at home; bear crawl to 1st; 10 single-leg (R) squats; dragon walk to 2nd; 20 squats; bear crawl to 3rd; 10 single-leg (L) squats; dragon walk home; squats until all have arrived home.
  • Round 2: 20 merkins at home; lunge walk to 1st; 10 exploding merkins; lunge walk to 2nd; 20 merkins; lunge walk to 3d; 10 exploding merkins; lunge walk home; plankorama until all have arrived.

Fast mosey to upper baseball field for some speed work. Brief pitstop at rails for 25 supine pullups:

  • Sprint AYG from right field fence to centerfield
  • 10 merkins
  • More sprints (lost count)

Mosey back to parking lot.

 Group 3:

 Off-road trail run to lower baseball field. 


  • Plankorama while waiting for group to assemble
  • 10 burpees OYO
  • Flutter kicks x25

Mosey to baseball diamond for some work on the base paths:

  • Round 1: 20 squats at home; bear crawl to 1st; 10 single-leg (R) squats; dragon walk to 2nd; 20 squats; bear crawl to 3rd; 10 single-leg (L) squats; dragon walk home; squats until all have arrived home.
  • Round 2: 20 merkins at home; lunge walk to 1st; 10 exploding merkins; lunge walk to 2nd; 20 merkins; lunge walk to 3d; 10 exploding merkins; lunge walk home; plankorama until all have arrived.

Fast mosey to upper baseball field for some speed work. Brief pitstop at rails for 25 supine pullups:

  • Sprint AYG from right field fence to centerfield and back again, and again, and again … 

Mosey back to parking lot.

The Thang – Joker

I also had three groups, and frankly, all of the exercises have started to mesh together in my mind.  Can’t say I remember exactly what each group did… so, here is a mash up of what we did across three separate groups:

  • Merkins…. Regular, wide arm… and yes, diamonds.
  • SSH and Imperial Walkers… of course we did [these are required in the F3 Constitution]. 
  • A few laps around the track, including some Indian Runs… yep. 
  • Squats… check.
  • Lunge walk and bear crawls across the width of the football field… check / check.
  • For my third group we did some field work… butt kickers, high knees, karaoke, backpedal… and washed it all down with a 240 yard sprint on the football field.   
  • A little bit of Mary for good measure.


  • Some PAX were begging for an audible from the 11’s on the hill during Stagecoach’s Q on the first segment.  Very unsavory right out of the chute.  Now I [Joker] understand why this group mocked me when I had them do a “warm up lap” on the track after Stagecoach had already beat them down pretty good. 
  • The pax showed good creativity during the ring of fire.  The inchworm Merkins were a definite crowd pleaser. 
  • In group 1, a member of the PAX that Young Love couldn’t quite recognize started late and tried to hop the fence to catch up with the crowd. Let’s just say he didn’t quite stick the landing. 
  • Burpees never get easier. Dragon walk doesn’t either. Good effort by the PAX though. Crawling through the near-frozen mud is more fun on paper than in reality. 
  • Nice work by Robin Hood (inspiration) and the 2.0s (entertaining). Really enjoyed the anonymous 2.0 who corrected my [Young Love’s] form on my single-leg squat. He was right (my form left something to be desired) — but, in my defense, it was my 3rd time through the routine.
  • Spackler was in rare form on Wed morning.  I think we should have checked his blood alcohol level, as I’m not sure if he was truly fit for duty.  In recognition of the number of beers that Spackler consumed on New Year’s Eve, we finished our routine with Spackler’s group by doing 17 burpees. 
  • Random items… Jamboree is looking flat out svelte [great work brother]; Runstopper was kind enough to wear man pants over top of his 3/4 length tights [“yoga pants”]; Donkey Kong was MIA, but turns out he was with family in Concord [and he took a morning walk on Jan 1st with a 40 pound rock in his back pack]; one FNG at the workout… nicknamed Roscoe P. 

About the author

Joker author

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11 years ago

Good to see Boutique and Champagne posting again. Kotters to both. After the 1 a.m. bedtime on New Year’s Eve, I was struggling but felt better after we finished. T-claps to the Q’s. Asked Spackler if he felt similarly after the workout. He mumbled something indiscernible and sounded a lot like Dan Aykroyd (Louie) on Trading Places after stumbling into the apartment in his Santa suit.

11 years ago

Ha! I knew I was in trouble when SSH was painful to my noggin. Great work Q’s…from what I can remember. Just be glad I didn’t count what was consumed on the golf course on the afternoon of the 31st.

Reply to  Spackler
11 years ago

Aye – yes thank you for not including – 17 burpees at the end of Joker’s workout was unsavory enough. Plus it was Radar that didn’t stick the landing after trying to jump the fence. Sorry Radar but I thought you should get credit for your graceful recovery.

11 years ago

It was me. I was a little light headed. Long night. Never should have posted. But I did. And I ruled everyone. Not Really

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