Wolfman earns his patch, but had to go through complete Insanity first…

Wolfman earns his patch, but had to go through complete Insanity first…

5 Pax weathered the storm for a 2 hour Ruck and Training dose of DownPainment today at SPEARHEAD.

The Thang:

05:00 Ruck with Coupon (aka Bonecrusher) – The Hoff Q

06:00 Training – Liquor Cycle Q (He’s certifiably Insane btw…)

RUCK – -5:00 (3) Miles

              Into the Ruck, YHC say the PAX from DMZ and called an audible for us to Crash their warm -up COP.  We quickly moved to where we could locate them (they were UNDER the cover of the walkway at Church of Charlotte. As we joined there were puzzled looks on everyone’s faces

SSH x 25

Merkins x 20

Squats x 25

LBC x 30

Superman’s on Belly x 30

Pax and SH Pax break off since those boys started running…”nice work guys, catch you later”…and we mosey’d back on route to finish the Ruck

06:00 Liquor Cycle Q

Mosey to Soccer Fileds (completely under water, in paces up to about 4-5 inches)

30 Count Body Builders (yes, that’s right…30 count, not 8)! x 25-35?

(exercise performed starting with squat, plank, plank jack out/in/merkin, 5 overhead press, ROLL to your left, Merkin, ROLL to your right, merkin, plank, plank jack out/in, squat-jump)

Low crawl 30-40 yards in MUD

Merkins x 15

Aqua Burpees x 15

Flutter w. ruck press in mud/water x 20

Flutter w. ruck press in mud/water x 15

Flutter w. ruck press in mud/water x 10

Flutter w. ruck press in mud/water x 5

PARTNER BEAR CRAWLS (one on top, one on bottom…bottom Pax grabs a hold of Pax 2 while he bear crawls…

Merkin x 10

Rotate until all PAX have gone x 5 rounds

30 Count Body Builders x 15

Mosey to hill

Plank on Left  facing fields. Plank walk up hill

Backwards Bear Crawl down hill

Plank on Right facing football feild.  Plank walk up hill

Backwards Bear Crawl down hill

Lunge Walk Up Hill



Unbelievable work out there considering the weather conditions.  Triple T-Claps to Wolfman for earning his patch and posting 9 times already this month!  Great work.

I’ve got to run to a meeting, and will update and type more.  The bottom line about this routine is that not only was it tough as hell (thanks Liquor Cycle), but we bot muddy…and not just a little muddy, A LOT.  Covered head-to-toe in mud and grass.  Needless-to-say, when I got home the M was in shock at what I looked like.

As always, it’s a pleasure to lead such a fine group of men!

Respectfully, The Hoff and Liquor Cycle


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11 years ago

After 5 of those 30-count body builders I just lost it and started laughing like a maniac…not much else I could do having to endure that manure sandwich of an exercise.

I hope it rains EVERY DAY from now until Bragg. Perfect training conditions. Learn to love the rain and mud. Learn to embrace the suck.

Big League Chew
11 years ago

Great job, team. Yeah , I love the rain and the mud.

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