30 Minute Miles…Why So Slow…Heavy Stuff!

30 Minute Miles…Why So Slow…Heavy Stuff!

Imagine walking for 3 miles carrying a sofa, couch or TV…that was basically the weight our beasts carried today at SPEARHEAD

The Thang:

3 Mile loop around Carmel Middle.  5 Men…One who just had 7 hours of tattoo work done the day before (Liquor Cycle) who came out to Ruck but couldnt put the ruck on.

04:45 Launch

06:15 Return

3 Miles covered



Not much to say here other than Rucking with that much weight over a long distance works so many different muscles in the body.  Embrace the suck and just keep moving!

T-Claps to Liquor Cycle for coming out despite not being able to wear the Ruck…most normal people would have used that as an excuse to Fart Sack- Not you brother, you are truly insane and can’t wait for your routine tomorrow.

Strong work by the others as well!  Welcome back Schedule C and Chicken Wing.  Good to have you back.  Angler, not much to say here other than we stand in awe of your strength and determination.

Sound off if you want to comment.

As always, it is an honor Rucking with such fine individuals!


The Hoff

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The Hoff author

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11 years ago

Sorry I had to miss this sufferfest, I mean this stroll through the park. I’m still sore as all get out from Tuesdays beatdown — seriously, I mean we did 4 exercises, count ’em, 4, and I’m still sore from neck to knees. #dayum

Can’t wait to see LC’s new ink. Didn’t even know he rolled like that. I wonder what he got? Probably a stack of bricks…

Mighty Mite
11 years ago

Where and when do you guys meet on Fridays? I need some good livin.

Reply to  Mighty Mite
11 years ago

MM — We meet at Carmel Middle School. Launch is 0530, just like a regular workout. Here’s a map (or you can find the map on the CLT South schedule page up top): http://goo.gl/maps/zL9bf.

Full details are at http://www.spearheadf3.com/training-schedule

Mighty Mite
11 years ago

No need for a map. I’m a proud graduate of Carmel Middle School. See you in the gloom.

11 years ago

Uh oh. They’ve captured another one. Good to have known you, MM. It’s ALL CAPS for you now.

Reply to  Tiger-Rag
11 years ago


Schedule C
11 years ago

It was great rucking around in the rainy gloom this morning with you men. Good times. I have to get used to being uncomfortable again; it was wicked tough. Or, maybe it was the insane weight we were slogging around with. Dunno.

LC got a Nickelback tramp stamp. He wore a cut off shirt so everyone could see. You’ll be jealous.

Big League Chew
11 years ago

Decided to boyup instead of man up today. Looking forward to tomorrow! I’m having bear crawl withdrawals. LC better bring forth the sucketh!

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