6 Rocks + 12 Rocks = Pain at The Rock

6 Rocks + 12 Rocks = Pain at The Rock

The SF was planted and a dozen of the Southlands pax closed out November in style with another assault on The Rock.


Gummy’s Q:


Jog around parking lot

SSH x 20
That’s enough warmup
Mosey to rock pile next to the baseball field
Find a partner and select a respectable rock
Catch me if you can
Partner 1 runs with rock
Partner 2 does 10 merkins and catches partner 1
Flapjack and repeat all the way around the church
Return rocks to their homes
Mosey to the top of North Face
Partner 1 runs a lap around the trees down the hill and up North Face
Partner 2 does leg exercises until Partner 1 returns, flapjack and repeat
Exercises: Jump squat, calf jumps onto curb, split squat jumps (aka Sister Mary Catherine’s), hip thrusters with one leg pointing straight up
Mosey to church wall
30 sec People’s Chair, all-you-got run around church dropoff driveway
45 sec People’s Chair, all-you-got run to the baseball field
Hops Q:
Plankorama for a couple minutes
Mosey to Hill at Rea Road entrance
Lunge walk down
Bear crawl 1/2 way up, Backwards bear crawl other 1/2 of hill
Flutter kicks x 20?
Rosalitas x 13
Freddie Mercury’s x 11 or 12 or 13
Backwards lunge walk down
Burpee broad jumps all the way up the hill
Plank at top
Mosey to baseball field
Grab a rock
She Hate Me – 10 minutes of the following 3 exercises:
Hand-release Merkins x 13 (no rock)
Louganis x 13 w/rock
Rock raises while in squat position x 13
Makhtar Ndijaye’s x 13
CCVs x 13R, flapjack 13L
Backwards run back to starting lot
5 burpees OYO
Great work by an even dozen pax at The Rock this morning.  Special T-claps to Spandex, FNG on Thursday who posted Friday and today, as well.  Strong work brother.  Good to have you as a regular part of F3Nation now!
T-claps also to Blades of Glory (BoG) who brought canned goods for Calvary’s pantry for low-income folks today since he missed the Thanksgiving convergence.  Lots of food to deliver to the church Monday.  T-claps to all the pax who contributed.
Gummy’s 1st 1/2 Q started out in painful fashion.  Catch Me if You Can after a short jog and just 20 SSH’s was unsavory.  Why did we even bother with the SSH’s?  Gummy, an accountant by trade, exclaimed, “That’s enough.  I don’t like to count.” — so the approx. 1 mile of Catch Me if you can got the pax smoked in the first 10 minutes.  Thank you very little.
T-claps also to Taffy, the only 2.0 to post this morning.
Still time to signup for the Joe Davis Memorial 5k on Sat., Jan. 4th.  Convergence at The Fort, then coffeteria onsite, then the 5k.  Details on website, Twitter and weekly email.  Rock Thrill has all the details.
Enjoy the rest of the Thanksgiving weekend sports fans.  Speaking of sports, since YHC has the privilege of posting this BB  –> here’s hoping Michigan, South Carolina, Auburn and North Carolina win today.
YHC out.

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11 years ago

Great three days with everyone. I could definitely feel and and was thankful for a little recovery on Sunday. Look forward to seeing everyone out there again soon!

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