The Real Key To Any Stop Motion Exercise Is The Stopping

The Real Key To Any Stop Motion Exercise Is The Stopping

While 3 pax finished up an early, extra credit KB routine, 14 men pulled into the Calvary Church parking lot for another rendition of #F3Anvil.  From 0500 to 0530, no one knows what the 3 did, other than themselves…and one pax Spackler who watched most of their routine from the warmth of his vehicle.  But from 0530 to 0615, here are the exercises all 17 pax did.

The Thang

Once the last man Abacus arrived, we ran from the launch point to the front parking lot adjacent to 51 for COP:

  • SSHs – 25 IC
  • Merkins – 20 IC
  • Squats – 25 IC
  • IWs – 24 IC
  • Plank
  • Mission Impossible (10 count)
  • Back to Plank
  • Peter Parkers – 10 IC
  • Mission Impossible Peter Parkers – 10 IC (crowd pleaser)

Run from our COP location, along the side of the Church, to the top of Entrance #3.  Count off by 3s for some constant motion running and exercises…exercises at the top and bottom of Entrance #3 and running to and from in between.

  • Rounds 1 and 2 – Merkins at the bottom, squats at the top
  • Rounds 3 and 4 – Flutter kicks at the bottom, CDDs at the top

Run from Entrance #3 to the bottom of the hill at Entrance #4 for some leg work.

  • Lunge walk to the top, mosey back down
  • Squat pivots to the top, mosey back down
  • Stop motion lunge walk for ~10 feet then sprint to the top, mosey back down
  • Stop motion squat pivots for ~10 feet then sprint to the top, mosey back down
  • By request, backwards lunge walk to the top, mosey back down
  • Burpee broad jump to the top

Run from the top of Entrance #4 back to the launch point.  Grab a couple sets of Mary:

  • LBCs – 25 IC
  • Dollies – 25 IC

COT – Solid send-off by Busch.


The colder weather brings with it a variety of looks that you just don’t get in the summer when guys can just throw on shorts and a t-shirt and roll.  This morning was no exception.  Some pax Red Card and Salt Lick went full warm-up suit.  Some pax TR and Busch went with a short sleeve shirt to show their lack of respect for temps in the low 40s.  Several pax including Radar chose the prison beanie while one Semi-Gloss wore his signature bright yellow toboggan hat with the fuzzy ball on top.  Only one Cane, despite the cold, still came out in the barefoot running shoes.  Even saw a pax that Udder had on long running pants but, in an attempt to hold onto summer, covered them with what appeared to be boardshorts.  Long Distance, where were you in your Reebok sweat suit when we needed you most?  But enough about the fashionistas…what about the workout?

YHC has become a fan of the Mission Impossible Peter Parkers.  They require determination to not bust your face and focus to not scrape your knees.  Also, they hurt.  YHC tried to cover some ground this morning and the work we did on Entrance #3 was more about the running than the exercises, as those were mostly straight-forward.  The work on the Entrance #4 hill was meant to burn and YHC thinks that was accomplished.  When you are doing lunge walks and squat pivots, that hill is always longer than it needs to be.  An overt Q-jack attempt was thwarted after the squat pivots, as a strong push for backward lunge walks was made by one of the pax TR.  In a compromise, the “request” was taken but only after the stop motion exercises YHC already had in mind.  However, the same pax TR questioned the validity of the stop motion lunge walks, claiming there simply wasn’t enough pause in the stop motion for them to be called stop motion.  The burpee broad jump closer was met with resistance from all the pax…but we did them anyway.  YHC was chastised by Radar for doing the broad jump first…so from this point forward, YHC shall refer to them as broad jump burpees.  According to the internet, either is correct.


The usual ones.



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Purple Haze author

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11 years ago

Could be mistaken, but I think I was second to last on arrival. Nice lead this morning PH. The hill at Entrance 4 seemed to get higher & higher as we worked through each rep. Legs were burning by the last couple treks up.

Cheese Curd
11 years ago

As an FNG to Anvil, I was not disappointed. However TR clearly told the group running to us that we were doing one-arm release, Carloina Dry Docks. I don’t think they listened.
Great lead PH! I didn’t give you credit by name today, but I had an encore showing of Mission Impossible Peter Parkers. I hoped the sequel was just as nice, as I incorporated a burpee to finish off #crowd pleaser.
The hill worked sucked, however some of the pax seem to be able to cover a lot of ground, can you say “stutter steps”

Also, nice BB very funny! I am glad you didn’t mention any names.

Reply to  Cheese Curd
11 years ago

Hand-release dry docks ensure full range of motion. One-armed hand release dry dock is an advanced move–I am not surprised there were modifications.

11 years ago

Sounds like I missed a good one, PH. Not surprised to hear about Rag in his short sleeve shirt. It has to be sub-20 degree weather for him to break out anything heavier.

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