12 Men posted by the virtual shovel flag, in the dark, not realizing that rain was pending, and put in a strong workout. Some strong efforts out there this morning, I’d say about 12 of them.
at 0530 hrs the pax went to do something like this:
SSH x 40
Merkins x 20
IW x 20
CDD x 20
Mountain Climbers x 20
Butt Kickers x 20
High Knees x 20
Low, Slow, Squats x 15
Mosey to pavilion to partner up for:
Partner 1 5 BTW Push ups, Partner 2 20 dips then flap jack
Together Low Slow Squats x 15 (all reps add up to 40)
Jog to baseball field area, pick up large rock
Partner sit ups with rock exchange x 20
Partner paddy cake merkins x 10
Flutter x 20
Dolly x 20
Mason Twist x 10
Elbow plank x 30 sec x 2
Prairie Fire Mary x 10 with partner
Jog to cars for Q timing failure, Q announces that we’re done, only to realize that this isn’t Fast Twitch and Anvil ends at 0615, good news, 15 more minutes
Indian Run to entrance to Rea Road
Partner 1 run down hill to Rea Road, bear crawl back
Partner 2 LBC’s
Partner 1 sprint to bottom and back
Partner 2 CDD’s
Partner 1 run to light post (about half way down), crab walk back
Partner 2 Merkins
Indian Run circuitous route to median near cars, 10 burpees on your own
Sprint to cars to circle up for COT
Q failure on the timing, was able to get in a bit more pain this morning. A lot of the reps are somehow adding up to 40, either directly or via cadence x 2, not sure why this was but just seemed to end up that way. Very strong effort by the pax today, I can see how Lobster Roll got his name, seriously fast on the crab walk and bear crawls (DK better watch out for some real competition here). Salt Lick had to put up with YHC as a partner, garnering leads on almost all movements to have them not only lost but to have YHC finish last, that’s why we do these things, they’re tough which makes us strong, very good partner efforts today with strong encouragement amongst teams. Partner sit up rock pass seemed to be a crowd pleaser. Spackler, despite at the end declaring he would be last at #F3Nomad on Sunday was a blaze of speed on the Indian Runs, well done, even gutting out the bear crawl despite a tweaked back, don’t make it worse brother, want to see you in the gloom. Abacus was pretty strong all around, hadn’t seen you in a while (problem of Area 51 getting so large!), always good to connect. When YHC Q’s and Stone Cold posts, the goal is to make the workout hard enough so that he breaks a sweat, unfortunately today it was full on raining by the end so will just have to imagine that at least one bead of the water was sweat, always great to post with you brother.
Oh yeah, the reference to 40 above, YHC turned 40 this morning, great to Q on your birthday.
Great send off by Stone Cold, always good to be reminded of our larger responsibilities and how what we do represents our faith in all situations.
Joust, new workout on Fridays, site Q of Stone Cold, great campus
Thunder Road: Sign up and let 49’er know, F3Nomad workout on Sundays for LSD training, so effective YHC got disoriented and lost on the last one, come on out
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