8 SPEARHEAD faithful attacked the Log Relay Race like they were trying to qualify for the Olympics this morning around the track at Carmel Middle. Not sure if we were really moving all that fast, but when you’ve got a 40lb pack on and carrying a 40 lb log, running becomes complete insanity!
The Thang
Mosey to Fields- routine begins promptly at 05:29
SSH x 25
IW x 25
Man Makers in Cadence x 25
Log Relay Race
All competitors perform exercise for each round until passed the log when it is time to sprint to the next leg
T1 and T2 take off sprinting with Log on shoulder approx 100M each leg
When you reach next teammate, pass log off and start doing exercises. Other partner sprints 100M to next teammate – all the way around track
(2) teams of 4 PAX equally spread out around Track (T1 and T2 each had a PAX racing against each other for each Leg of the race)
(2) at each end zone and (2) at 50 yard line
Winning team assesses a penalty on losing team – to be performed afterwards
Round 1
Squats x 30-50
Team 2 Wins
Round 2
Burpee x 20-40
Team 1 Wins
Round 3
Merkins x 30-50
Team 1 Wins
Round 4
Mountain Climbers x 50-75
Team 2 Wins
Round 5
Flutter Kick with Ruck Press x 30-50
Team 1 Wins
Round 6
LBC with Rucks in Air x 30-50
TEAM 1 Killed Team 2 (4-2)
Circle up
Jack Webb to 11
12 Count Body Builder in Cadence x 10
Shimmy, Shim, Shim 15 yards
As always, the PAX killed it out there today. The 25 Man Makers were pretty tough as when we reached 10, complete silence took over and all you could hear was the gasping for air from our lungs and the wavering cadence of the Q. Needless-to-Say, if you are doing the 1001 challenge, good luck!
I wish I had a camera on me at the time so I could have taken a picture of Liquor-Sicle sprinting with that log, coming towards me yelling, “Team 2 isn’t going to lose this round!”..Like a man possessed…T-Claps for the extra effort he was running faster than most people without the 80lbs of additional weight
After a few rounds of the relay race, the exercises became incrementally harder, and it was nice to see beasts like BLC, BTB, Sweetness, Dora, Culkin, Iron Horse, Liquor-Sicle continue powering through with so much determination. SPEARHEAD is accomplishing a few great things, and one of those is mental strength. When most would cheat or give up, SPEARHEAD Pax kick it up another notch…”Our Amps go to 11”…
As always an honor to lead you through these routines!
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