Cue the Sprinkler

Cue the Sprinkler

Largest showing this morning at Welcome Party edition of SPEARHEAD (9 including Q)!

The Thang:

Rucks up and mosey to end of parking lot:

– Everyone in plank position:

– Push ups x 25

– Hold plank. The Hoff and Liquor Cycle choose 8 rock coupons while all others plank

Mosey to football field:

– Decline push ups on bench…coupons not on ground x 15

– Q learns to be more specific next time!

– Cue sprinklers

– Flutter kicks with coupons above head x 40

– Squat with coupons x 100

– Over head rock press x 40

– Bear crawl with rocks pushing them across field (mortar fire)

– Drop coupons, partner carry across field x 2

Search and rescue:

– Find coupon (ruck hidden) in silence

Mosey to CarmelPark:

– 4 rocks, two logs, and ruck coupons in good form:

– Sniper Drills

– Jack Webb x 11 (66 push ups and arm raises)

Trivia Questions:

– Bear crawls if wrong x 6 (Mix of state capitals and nature trivia)

Mosey Back to Carmel Middle:

– Schedule C casualty.

– Deposit rocks and logs


For those continuing the push up challenge for September, today’s workout totaled 106 (including decline push ups on bench and Jack Webbs). Shout out to Liquor Cycle with the headlock of Clown Car, FNG to SPEARHEAD. Great showing after many participated in GORUCK Light on Saturday. Great job moving with coupons. I did not plan to have a casualty but Dora was doing too good of a job in his lead back to HQ!


  • The SPEARHEAD Patch Challenge continues until 9/27.  Patch Challenge Standings
  • SPEARHEAD T-Shirts are available at the F3 Gear Site
  • PT Reflector belts for those that signed up should be available late next week (by 9/27/13). $11.50 to Culkin gets you a cool lime green elastic reflector belt!

Check out our Portal for more information and to join our Google Group mailing list

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Culkin author

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BTB (Bob The Builder)
11 years ago

Good work, Culkin. My shoulders are jelly right now. I need to work on bear crawls and push ups more than I do. I’ve been slacking on that!

Maybe I should have done the #SH_cotm 10k push ups? Ehhhh, nevermind I’m good.

11 years ago

Those sprinklers. #shudder #waterfall #intheface #cantbreathe #drowning #pushrock

Schedule C
11 years ago

Great work this morning by all. Realistic Cadre representation by Culkin. For any passers by that are thinking of giving a GRC/GRL a go or if you want to keep in shape for your next GORUCK event; SPEARHEAD is the way to go.

Not sure what I was thinking HC’ing for the 10k pushups PLUS going to SPEARHEAD. #ouch

The Hoff
The Hoff
11 years ago

Yeah, those push ups during the working kill if you are doing the 10,000 challenge. After this morning I’ll be at 6,056…can I loan a few to Liquor Sicle so he can get a patch?
Excellent work Culkin today as Q. Tuesdays and Thursday Q’s give up working out with the PAX and a true sacrifice for the team. Thank you Dora, BTB and Culkin. Best line of the day was when Culkin said, “well, now I feel like working out” after we all finished 1.5 hours of a beat down!

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