Back to Basics

Back to Basics

Posted on behalf of O’Tannenbaum…
20 men strong appeared for The Matrix.
Mosey around Grass field
Imperial Walker
Field work
Suicide run, Leapfrog, Partner Sit Ups/ Merkins
Karaoke & Shuffles
Mosey to Stumps
5-10-15 Stump Jumps
5-10-15 burpees
Mosey to track
Wall Walk
Curb Jumpers X5
Run length of field, Repeat
Planks in between and when finished—> by Uncle Leo
Mary–LBC, Dolly, Rosalita, back scratcher
Bear crawl/run/Bear Crawl to end of field
Maktar Jai, LBC
Run to finish
  • Throwback to elementary days included The windmill, Leapfrog, and #2 pencil & paper to record names.
  • Editorial comments by Joker… I was not in attendance this morning, but rumor has it that that there was much discussion regarding Dora’s svelte physique and Wolverine-style beard.  Dora apparently suggested that his beard has already received too much notoriety in recent backblasts.  But, Dora, the beard is downright “EPIC” [I observed it on Saturday, so I know of what I speak… and with two more days of growth I can only imagine].  In fact, the PAX total should be adjusted to 21, to take into account that your beard has taken on a life of its own.

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Cheese Curd
11 years ago

Solid lead and work this AM! No joke on the stumps!
Bulldog, I question your choices for CCVD, funny always seem to start opposite the hip. Just checking proper form?
Yes, please be sure to stare at Amish Dora, that’s one fine beard. I assume it looks better in the light:) I expect to see Dora riding…sorry pulling a buggy to the next workout. Yes, with Ruck!

11 years ago

If Dora wasn’t such a strong name, I’d suggest a name change to Chinstrap. Or maybe Jedediah.

11 years ago

Funny thing about that ruck…wear it long enough and your razor just disappears.

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