It Got Weird

It Got Weird

Day Zero was 36 strong today. Lot of sweat. Not a lot of love

The Thang 


  • SSH x 19
  • Balls to the wall, 5 hand-stand Merkins
  • Walk down wall – hold, Merkins x10
  • Rinse and Repeat
  • Mosey to lower field
  • Partner up like size KB
  • P1 Overhead KB press; P2 Run to playground, perform 20 Dips
  • Flapjack until 200 reps reached
  • P1 KB Swings; P2 Bear Crawl 30 yards, sprint back
  • Flapjack until 100 reps reached
  • P1 Bent over rows; P2 Run to playground, perform 10 pull ups
  • Flapjack until 200 reps reached
  • P1 Bicep curls; P2 Ape walk 30 yards, sprint back
  • Flapjack until 100 reps reached
  • Merkins x30
  • (2) Column Indian Runs around the track with 12 coupons in each column


  • High Tempo Mosey around the track
  • Duck Walk 70 yards
  • 20 Slow Cadence Deep Squats leg wide
  • 20 Slow Cadence Deep Squats legs close
  • Partner Drags 35 yards then Switch
  • Partner Bear Crawl Drags or 30 burpees

One Line Split down the middle for teams

  • 70 yard race between one individual from each team.
  • Waiting Pax do Bupees
  • When your team mate gets back next guy goes
  • Burpees continue
  • Losing team does 30 burpess winning team does 15
  • Mosey over to coupons
  • Catch me if you can with coupons
  • Runner carries weight while running and partner does 10 merkin jacks
  • COP
    • 20 ski abs
    • 50 flutters in cadence



Great turn out today. This is the most we have had to date. Thanks for everyone’s support. This was an up tempo day.

Hoff brought every weight in his house for us to use. There were several KBs, Weighted vest, a ruck, sand bags, I think I saw a big jar full of pennies it was endless. I don’t think many were expecting the gear work out and it smoked us.

 I am more of fan of the cardio burn so when I got in there I tried to keep us moving. YHC got allot flak from the PAX when he called partner bear crawl drags. This was a little treat from GRC 707. Only a few of us did it. There were a bunch of big chested dudes walking around saying “no way”, “I’m not doing that”. Oh well 30 burpees were a good substitute for my less adventurous comrades. I will say it was kind of weird to look down and see purple haze staring through my soul. YHC called out for all PAX to close their eyes. It didn’t help. First and last for that one I think

I liked the team race. YHC had to cut it short for time. I picked similar builds to settle the final. Boutique versus Mic Check. It was close going out. It was not close coming back . Mic Check smoked him. He said something about just toying with him. None the less, great effort Boutique and everyone else. I should note I got smoked by a 12 year old.  

Props to the double downers. Mic Check, Chipotle, and TR



  • Spearhead. I think we all know by now
  • Convergence Monday South Charlotte Middle
  • Possible Day Zero and The Rock convergence next Saturday to celebrate The Rocks 1 year anniversary. Stay Tuned

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The Hoff
The Hoff
10 years ago

Thank you Pax for letting me lead and hanging in there as I had my 2.0 (wife told me Thursday she was going out of town). Great efforts all around, especially from the 2.0’s!

10 years ago

I think that PBQ was also a double down. Great job today guys. Great way to start the first college football Saturday. Aye.

Purple Haze
10 years ago

I wasn’t prepared for this workout today. Physically, I wasn’t ready for the KB. Mentally and emotionally, I wasn’t ready for the partner bear crawl with Radar. #IFeelCheap

10 years ago

Thanks for welcoming the Raleigh folk. Lots of options in Char this AM, glad I chose Day Zero. Paddling at Whitewater Center this afternoon = tough….

Reply to  Elsinore
10 years ago

Elsinore – Thanks for coming out – always great to see guys from other areas of F3 – awesome job today and awesome workout. Hope you enjoyed WWC. #F3Counts

10 years ago

It got weird alright. And the stench was unbearable.

Mic Check
10 years ago

Nice lead boys. I enjoyed my first post at Day Zero. For the record, I never said I was toying with Boutique, one of the PAX made that comment. Good work Boutique.

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