If the Van is a Rockin’ RUN…

If the Van is a Rockin’ RUN…





24 Pax posted this morning at Charlotte Catholic HS for #Centurion for a light workout led by yours truly.

The Thang’

  • SSH x25
  • 15 Burpees
  • LBCs x25
  • 15 Burpees
  • Carolina Dry Docks x25
  • 15 Burpees
  • Prison Squat x25
  • 15 Burpees

Indian Run to Parking Lot across Pineville Matthews Hwy. to shopping center where Planet Fitness gave off a purple glow like a Barney in the background

Partner up for a little ‘Catch me if you can’

  • partner 1 take off, Partner 2 5 Burpees and Chase… tag Partner 1.
  • Partner 2 continues to run, partner 1 does 5 Burpees

Continue catch me if you can nonstop for 10 minutes…

Active Recovery – Reverse Plank – AKA Countertop Special – Right leg high hold and switch legs  

Partner suicide Relay

  • Partner 1 run to first marker, back, run to shite Van, back and all the way to end of parking lot and back – Tag partner #2…
  • While Partner #1 runs, Partner #2 does Mirkens
  • Continue until you smoke 100 Mirkens between the two partners. 

Prison Break back across Pineville Matthews Hwy to entrance of Charlotte Catholic HS.

Active Recovery – Plank o Rama…

Split up into three groups

  • Group 1 start out hand walk along a 50 ft. wall
  • Group 2 Bear Crawl up ramp and to administrative building
  • Group 3 Crap Walk back to start
  • 1 rotation

Active Recovery – Plank o Rama…

Mosey to parking lot.  Break up into two groups for a suicide relay

First guy, sprint to light return, tag second guy, second guy goes, first guy keeps going until finishes.


See told you it would low intensity…


T-claps to Escargot for leaving his wife who is in labor to post this morning… WOW that takes a lot of NADS to get away with that one!  Word of advice from a father of two and 15 years of marital bliss… forgo the workout bro.. take care of your wife. lol Oh, we decided if you haven’t selected a name, maybe you should consider Pax.  just a recommendation. 

Shout out to the Pax today, especially Far side, Purple Haze, Cane, Chelms and Hops. Those boys were smokin’ the catch me if you can.  Burpees were not an issue, nor was the running… STUDS

Side note… The white van parked in the parking lot looked a little suspicious Philmont said he saw smoke rising from a cracked, tinted window, Billy Idol music playing in the background. Not sure what was up with that guy, but sounds to me like it was a cross fitter, or one of those planet fitness guys. just sayin’

Convergence this Monday Labor Day at 0700 at South Charlotte Middle (Death Valley) – Headlock your  neighbors and come out for a great workout to celebrate the end of summer:-)

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Run Stopper author

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Purple Haze
10 years ago

Yes…very low intensity Runstopper. 60 burpees in the COP followed by some more in the catch me if you can. Dang brother…I was totally smoked after all that and the round of merkins.

But it was the “Crap” walk you noted above that sealed my fate. And I never knew that was actual exercise…just thought it was something Semi-Gloss did to/from the on-site facilities prior to every workout.

10 years ago

Pretty sure My Sharona used to own that mid-80’s model van…only thing creepier would have been a bubble window #dreammachine
About lost a couple of the pax running across 51…would have made a rather somber backblast
The way Runstopper does burpees is disheartening…admittedly one of a few of my personal kryptonites…am I doing them wrong these past 18 months?
In all seriousness (not really) – good beatdown brother RunStopper

My Sharona
My Sharona
10 years ago

Yes my wife loved her minivans for hauling around the 2.0’s during the 80’s and 90’s. However, neither of the two she wore out were white or had a bubble windows. Just saying.

How about a shout out to Chelms. He will miss the convergance because he and the M are celebrating their 20 wedding anniversary in Charleston. The woman must be a saint living with Chelms for 20 years! Just kidding. Actually, your tireless work at Billingville and now AG speaks volumes about your true character. I am proud to have you as my F3 brother. See you in gloom.

Reply to  My Sharona
10 years ago

Aye. The @CarolinaTaterTot has been an #ImpactBeast. Get 20 more Brother.

Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Dredd
10 years ago


Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  My Sharona
10 years ago

You probably know this since you surely hold the record for War Daddy – there are some real plusses to a 20 year anniversary (especially in Charleston).. I am a a lucky man and my wife is a Queen for putting up with me. I recommend all men fight thru the tough times because the long term reward is priceless.

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