43 of the fatihful – a new record at DMZ – posted this morning for a #beatDown that YHC wasnt even sure that he could do.
Ball of Man for a prayer to launch us in the right direction
Mosey to CMS
COT: SSH, IW, Mountain Climbers, Seal Jacks (led by Swiper), LBC, Squats, seems like there was something else but I don’t remember what it was.
Mosey to front parking lot only to discover that we had so many pax, there wasnt room for what YHC had planned. An audible was called and we moseyed to the football field.
Mama’s Four Layer Cake
1st Layer
Sprint to 50 yd line & back then 5 Merkins,
Same sprint with 5 Squats
Same sprint with 5 LBCs
same sprint with 5 Burpees
2nd Layer
Sprint 50 with 10 Merkins, then sprint back
Same thing with 10 Squats
Same thing with 10 LBCs
Same with 10 Burpees
3rd Layer
Same sprint with 15 Merkins
Same with 15 Squats
Same with 15 LBCs
Same with 15 Burpees
4th Layer
Same sprint with 10 Merkins
Same with 10 Squats
Same with 10 LBCs
Same with 10 Burpees
Run to side parking lot for MOM led by Field of Dreams
Run back to Park (with a Jailbreak called by Swiper) to COT
It was awesome to see so many of the pax come out this morning. Lots of good #MumbleChatter from Swiper who made a special guest appearance from the Freedom Park crowd. Swiper and Agony were giving YHC grief about having to dig out their passports to come so far south for DMZ. Funny though, Agony lives about a mile away.
After the 2nd Layer of the Cake, YHC was starting to question if he could complete his own workout. A very wise member of the Area 51 pax once said “If you can’t Q it, don’t do it.” But the adrenaline of being around all the great energy from the Pax kept YHC going. Thanks guys.
Area 51 Labor Day Convergence workout next Monday at South Charlotte Middle School. Joker and Honeybee on Q. 0700 so no headlamps needed! NO DMZ NEXT WEEK.
Aftermath, one of our new 3rd F workouts, begins Wednesday September 4. 0630 at the Starbucks at Piper Glen (where Trader Joe’s is). We will be going through Search Ministries’ Foundations Study. Even if you cant make it every week, this is a great study to do. It’s topic based and is designed in such a way that missing a week or so doesnt minimize what you will get out of the study. Busch and Skywalker will Q.
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