This feels reeaalllll good!!!

This feels reeaalllll good!!!

Another great turnout at Kevlar this morning for a Bulldog lead beatdown involving pretty much every muscle in the human body. Could have topped 40 if Hairband (@ktackel) lived up to his Twitter hype! Fartsack-1 Hairband-0.


Jog from lot around back of church.
Call from Q to get in groups of 3 – 15 burpees or 10 if you failed to get in a group of 3.
On the move.
Call from Q to get in groups of 5 – 100 merkins or 30 if not in group of 5.
Mosey tp grass.
SSH x 20
IW x 20
Merkins x 15
Squats x 15
Honeymooners til it felt good (Deadwood)
Mosey to hill – exercises in cadence
Merkins x 12 sprint to top
Squats x 15 sprint to bottom
Diamonds x 8 sprint up to top of hill and back
Split jumps x 10 sprint up hill and back
Russian twists x 20 up and down sprint
Spartan burpees x 13 up and down
Jog to soccer field and get in lines of 6
Merkin ladder – 8, 6, 4, 2 and sprint to back of line
Wide arm merkin ladder – same as above
Diamond merkin ladder – same as above
Squat jumps – 8, 6, 4, and sprint to back of line
Combo – merkins 8, wide arm 6, diamond 4, squat jumps 2
Two groups for suicides – one runs, other planks


Good to have all of the Go Ruck and BRR boys out today and a fine set up gents showed up with new faces adding to the pax each week.
Deadwood has been a new found source of entertainment and he found his favorite F3 exercise this morning – The Honeymooner. The yoga ish pose of thrusting one’s hips to the floor in plank really hit home for him today and I am looking forward to him Q’ing a workout with a good 20 minute Honeymooner component thrown in! “This feels reeeeaalll goood” was his quote. Deadwoods Twitter feed is second only to Hairband who tweeted much but delivered little from the warmth of his fartsack and blaming his alarm clock.
The hills were back in force today and took a couple of casualties with a few fellas wandering over to “inspect” the bushes between rounds although nothing like the inspection I heard Big League Chew gave them in recent Kevlar workouts! Clowncar skipped a few hills while grabbing his ankles to regroup – hats off to you fella for your consistency the last few months.
With the tires still chained up cones were the name of the game with some hard rounds of upper body. Brown went as far to say that he felt like he had just undergone breast augmentation with the amount of merkins performed. In reference to big chests The Hoff’s name was mentioned as he has been spotted doing F3 workouts in the parking lot of the Y in full F3 gear. Dangerous games messing with the Y’s membership as they’ve been known to kick you out…
Suicides today were the finisher and I am glad that Big Gulp just managed to cross the line in time to avoid a further round.

Great work by all and a pleasure to be back on a Friday to lead such a great group of men

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Cheese Curd
11 years ago

Solid lead Bulldog! I am not sure I WANT to attend workouts like this, but after 11 weeks and no more early AM swim sessions for the season, I am excited to make my return to the gloom. With many new workouts to try, Base Camp is first on the list!
For those of you noticing my lack of burpees and other exercises (hill runs) that don’t agree with my hip, I am providing advance notice. I will be pinning the Dr note to my chest. Finally a medical reason to not do burpees- modify, modify, modify.

Can’t wait to see you all in the gloom!

11 years ago

Bulldog, thanks for listing me twice! I felt I had done the workout twice by the time we were done! The Hoff ain’t got nothin’ these moobs after your merkinfest workout!! Thanks for the free enhancement!!

Reply to  Bulldog
11 years ago

That’s part of the reason I do F3…because I’m literally twice the man of everyone else!! #candycoated

The Hoff
11 years ago

Looks terrible, but you know I love the chest stuff…
Yes, I’ve been nursing the healing back and only posted twice last week, but back in full force latter part of this week. With the injury, I just kind of had to move at my own pace (because of crazyness like what is listed above, ha ha), however sporting F3 gear as a walking billboard of the great stuff we do at F3.
See you guys back at Day Zero tomorrow.

Hair Band
11 years ago

To spare myself future embarrassment of a twitter HC then fartsack, I will take Dora’s twitter advice of “2 alarms, brother.”

After a about a month of doing F3 now, one of the best parts is even while knowing the agony Bulldog put on the PAX, I missed being there.

I am feeling better, s l o w l y starting to look better and getting to know some great PAX that keep me motivated!

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