43 of the finest PAX, fooled by YHC’s Twitter post, put in work at #F3DeathValley. Told you it would be easy. #notsomuch
The Thang
Light jog down to track with a half lap and gather in center of field for COP:
SSH – 20
Burpees – 10
IW – 20
Burpees – 8
Squat – 20
Burpees – 6
Merkin – 15
Burpees – 4
Mtn Climber – 20
Burpees – 2
CDD – 15
(YHC really wanted to throw in 10 more Burpees – If you can’t do it, don’t Q it)
Partner up (3 pax to team) and mosey to goalpost
- 300 LBC (1 pax run, 2 perform exercise – flapjack until 300 complete)
Plank work
- 200 Wide Merkin (” “)
Plank work
- 100 Burpees (” “)
Mosey back to parking lot/bleachers for circuit work (keeping same teams)
- Merkin/Flutter – PAX 1 flutter at bleachers until PAX 2 runs down to flapjack – while PAX 3 is doing Merkins up in parking lot. Continue to flapjack alternate running back and forth.
- CDD/Dolly – Same as above
- Burpee/Dips – Same as above
- Needless to say, this was the largest group of PAX that YHC has led and am not embarrassed to say that there were some nerves. If you would have told me a few months ago that I was going to be leading a workout at #F3DeathValley, and now a site co-Q at #F3RebelYell, I would have laughed and bet against that. YHC didn’t feel he was ready but it worked out. If you haven’t volunteered to lead a workout, do it. You are ready. Very thankful for what F3 is doing in all of our lives.
- Apologize to any PAX who showed due to Twitter post advising that there would be less running than at #F3FastTwitch as there was a good bit. YHC gives the Twitch a good amount of grief on a weekly basis mostly because there is a ton of running, and I hate running. For any who haven’t attended #F3FastTwitch, I put it up against any we have as it is one of the toughest. T-Claps to TL on that front.
- Happy Bday to the one and only StoneCold! Where was the birthday suit? Smart move by not announcing it pre-workout – 41 Burpees OYO. There was another bday as well. Who was it?
- T-Claps to 49er, Phaze and Harley for allowing YHC to join their ‘team’. Pretty sure how we split things up that 49er and Phaze got the raw end of the deal with the exercise reps
- Tiger Rag can thank Bulldog and Radar for the CDD’s and Burpees at the end. Some chatter during the flutter made YHC willfully change his plans.
- ‘What Water’ – Many of you saw the tweet YHC put out yesterday on ‘Never Wet’. YHC made a debut with the product on some older shoes in an effort to see if it would keep his feet dry. It did. #operationsuccess. Be aware – it leaves a cloudy shine so dark shoes may not be the best idea. Go to Home Depot if you want to try it. Will keep the PAX posted on any foot sores from the chemicals.
- Thanks to SkyWalker for a great send-off prayer
- New Thursday workout, #F3RebelYell, launching August 29th at Polo Ridge Elementary. Spackler and Crabcake are site Qs.
- New 3rd F workout, #F3TheStand, launching each Friday beginning September 13th at Panera Carmel Commons after #F3Centurion. Champagne and Purple Haze on Q. “Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire” is the book.
- New 3rd F workout, #F3Aftermath, launching each Wed at 6:30 beginning September 4th at Starbucks Piper Glen. Skywalker and Busch on Q. Will be going thru Search Ministries Foundations Study.
- I think I forgot something so chime in if so………..
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