Futbol Training – Stanford Style

Futbol Training – Stanford Style

18 men gathered in the gloom to move their feet as fast as possible.  Today’s workout was inspired by the Stanford University men’s soccer team.  The Thang was the Stanford Soccer Fitness Test, as follows:

Warm up – 1/2 mile around track with some Imperial Walkers, Side Straddle Hops and Squats to get the legs ready

1/2 mile at full speed [attempt to complete in max time of 2:45]

1:30 rest

6,18, 60 yard shuttle [attempt to complete in max time of 32 seconds]

1:00 rest

1/4 mile at full spped [max time of 1:15]

1:00 rest

6,18, 60 yard shuttle [max time of 32 seconds]

6,18, 60 yard shuttle [max time of 33 seconds]

1:00 rest

1/4 mile at full speed [max time of 1:17]

1:00 rest

6,18, 60 yard shuttle [max time of 33 seconds]

1:30 rest

1/2 mile [max time of 2:50]

Warm down – six minutes of Mary, throw in a few merkins for fun, followed by 1/4 mile cool down lap with a few more merkins along the way


Today’s workout was a fun way to mix things up.  Guys seemed to enjoy it.  We covered about 2.5 miles on the track/pavement, and did 672 yards of shuttle sprints.  We completed the entire ftiness program outlined above, though we added a few extra seconds of rest between certain segments.  Nobody was able to complete all elements under the applicable max time thresholds, but Frasier was pretty close.  Everyone was really pushing today; impressive work by all.  Far Side posted at Fast Twitch for the first time and fell right into the front of the pack.  Stone Cold was looking strong, due in part to the aerodynamic nature of his sleeveless shirts.  Header went to the back of his closet today to find one of his college soccer shirts… #Glory Days brother, and I love it.  Good to see Wolf Man today… stealth-like on the unlit grounds of South Charlotte Middle.  Tiger Rag was back from his western adventure — you know, wrestling bears and carrying boulders.  By the way, if a bear and Tiger Rag actually did cross paths… which one would flinch?  I’m betting the bear might play dead after one stern look from the goateed warrior.  But I digress.  There were other superlatives this morning I’m sure, but really too dark to see who was doing what.  Good collaboration with the co-ed running group today as well… shows that we can effectively share space even with a fairly large group.  We even got a few atta-boys out there, but that was probably someone admiring Stone Cold’s svelte physique.     

Next week… Area 51 footraces between Fast Twitch and Bagpipe.  Tuesday Aug 27… specific time and location TBD.  Race format as follows… 1 mile race – heat #1 for guys that run under 7:30; heat #2 for guys that run over 7:30.  4X400 relay race… with the four fastest men from Fast Twitch against four fastest from Bagpipe.

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Joker author

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Stone Cold
10 years ago

Wow, double mentioned in the Moleskin. I feel honored. Nice way to mix it up there Joker. I was still looking to actually kick a ball at some point. Thanks to Wolfman for helping me stretch my hammy. Not use to this speed stuff. More geared toward GoRuck turtle pace with a shell on my back.

Reply to  Stone Cold
10 years ago

Wolfy stretching your hammy is one awful visual Stone Cold….nightmare is now unavoidable.

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