7 rucked-up beasts assaulted Carmel Middle for the second installment of the SPEARHEAD. Here’s how it went down…
The Thang
Ruck up and grab all four coupons (1 40lb GORUCK sandbag, 2 35lb KBs, and 1 25lb Dirt Bag) and mosey down to the 50 yard line for…
– Drop rucks
– 15 SSH in cadence
– 15 IW in cadence
– 15 UDT Flutters in cadence
– 15 Flutters in cadence
– Grab rucks
– 15 Squats w/rucks overhead in cadence
– Ruck up
– 10 8-count Body Builders, single count, #GRC707 flashbacks for 3 PAX
5 Sets of the following exercises for 3 minutes AMRAP at sprint pace while maintaining form, 1 minute rest between sets:
– 3x Ruck Thruster
– 6x Merkins
– 9x Squats
– Repeato
Ruck up, grab coupons, head to the track with 5 minutes left for:
– 600 meter Indian Run
– Coupons up front
– Last man sprints to the head of the column and each coupon is passed forward one man.
An admirable turnout for the second SPEARHEAD workout including four new faces: SoCal, The Hoff, Coop Dog and Island Time. Q put together an ambitious workout plan culled from Spartan WODs and the GORUCK PT blog but ended up only using half of it. Somehow when we finished Part I of the beatdown there was only 5 minutes left and no time for Part II. At least we used every minute.
The 3/6/9 AMRAP looked and sounded innocent enough but proved to be an endurance maximizer. 3 minutes is a looooong time. The PAX ended up doing 4-6 repeats each set. That’s 60-90 thrusters, 120-180 merkins, and 180-270 squats — all under 20 minutes. This was at ‘sprint’ pace meaning all PAX were pushing 100% to the end. Several PAX ended up on their knees to suck as much O2 out of the gloom as they could in those short 1 minute rests. Strong work, men. Strong.
The Indian Run was a true GORUCK clusterfrack as the PAX had to move as one, carry heavy coupons, and figure out how to pass them and in which direction to pass them, all the while having to keep the call/response of “I say ‘GO’ you say ‘RUCK'” whenever the last man began his sprint to the top…exactly the type of mess-with-your-mind-mess-with-your-body games that Cadre love to play.
As you can see from the workout listed, it wasn’t a 100%-ruck outing, nor was it 100% GRC simulation. This is an F3 workout that includes the ruck as a workout tool, and peppers the exercises with the flavor of a Challenge. SPEARHEAD’s aim is keeping our rucks out in The Gloom and providing the building blocks of strength and endurance, not power, that all endurance events require of you. So come out and give SPEARHEAD a whirl whether you have a ruck or not. You provide the body, SPEARHEAD will provide the pain.
Dora out.
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