Whose idea was this anyway?!

Whose idea was this anyway?!

26 brave souls met in the humid gloom this morning for Part 1 of Psycho T’s Farewell Tour.
The Thang
Quick ball o man

.4 mile jog to carmel ms
13 burpees
20 ssh
12 burpees
20 seal jacks
11 burpees
20 Imperial Walkers
10 burpees
20 LBC’s
9 burpees
20 Jump lunge
8 burpees
20 Prisoner squats
7 burpees
15 Mountain climbers
6 burpees
10 peter parker
5 burpees
10 parker peter
4 burpees
15 frog hops
3 burpees
10 diamond merkins
3 burpees
10 wide arm merkins
1 burpee

Lateral Railing walks on hands and feet

3 Relay races. Sprint, bear crawl and donkey kongs. Winner chooses losers excersise; which the only logical choice was 15 more burpies. Winners did plank series.

Mary: Superman, slow Freddy Mercury, Michael Phelps, Glute bridge and Cumberland county viaduct.

.4 mile run back to parking lot

COT and ball o man.

Psycho T’s MOLESKIN: Thank you for all your prayers and support as our family prepares to move to Colorado. I will miss my F3 family, but am looking forward to starting a new one in Denver.

Skywalker’s Moleskin: OK, who came up with idea to invite Psycho T to Q anyway?! Seemed like a good thing at a time. Each time I’ve gotten out of my car or a chair today, I’ve been reminded of how PT smoked us with this workout. When he called that second set of burpees, most of the pax knew where this thing was headed……..no pain, no gain. And there was plenty of pain. For those who have the guts, come out to Death Valley for Part 2 of his Farewell Tour.
On a personal note, Psycho T has made a tremendous impact on the pax since he started coming to F3 a few months ago. And those who know him are sorry to see him move.

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Skywalker author

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11 years ago

Psycho T; great job brother! Another memorable beatdown.
All the best to you and the family with your move.

Stone Cold
11 years ago

Great beatdown for sure, Psycho T! I hate that I’ll miss Death Valley. Show em what you got for your finale. Seriously though, you will be missed. All the very best to you and your family on this next chapter in your lives. God bless you and be with you in all you encounter. Take care!

11 years ago

Great Q, Psycho T. Best of luck to you as you move to western skies. Can’t wait to read the first backblast from Denver.

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