Day Zero Challenge: Sheer Will

Day Zero Challenge: Sheer Will

The Day Zero Challenge was set forth ( and 26 men (2 FNGs) showed up to test their will.  The nature of the workout is to push yourself hard for the full hour through the list of exercises with a 1/3 mile lap around the McAlpine Proving Grounds after each exercise.  You vs yourself.  See how far you can get this time.  Go farther next time.

The Challenge:

  • Burpees – 100
  • Calf Raises – 150 (50 regular, 50 toes pointed in, 50 toes pointed out)
  • Ski Abs – 100
  • Merkins – 100 (25 wide, 25 regular, 25 narrow, 25 diamond)
  • Deep Squats – 100
  • LBCs – 200
  • Carolina Dry Docks – 100
  • Knee Tucks – 100
  • Russian Twists – 100
  • Nipplers – 100
  • Jump Squats – 100
  • Mountain Climbers – 100
  • Shoulder Raises – 200
  • Sister Mary Catherines – 100
  • Dollies – 200
  • Hindu Merkins – 100
  • Squat Jacks – 100
  • Groiners – 100
  • Burpees – 100
  • Burpees – 200


  • It was amazing to see how hard all the Pax worked today and to hear the encouragement that was shouted out to one another throughout the workout.  There was definitely a strong camaraderie at the end, after all the Pax had survived the Challenge that had been set forth.
  • A few stats: 6 Pax made it to the Jump Squats…one of them almost completed the full lap after the Jump Squats.  5 Pax made it to the Nipplers…with a few of those at various stages of completion of the lap after them.  8 Pax made it to the Russian Twists.  Those that completed the full laps after the Nipplers ran ~3.3 miles.
  • A big thanks to M. Radar who neatly wrote up the workout on posterboard for us and also created the playlist for the music (including Spackler’s request for Steve Winwood) that blasted throughout the hour.  I’m sure she also cleaned Radar’s beer stains and cigar ashes off the card table that held the sound system.
  • The next Day Zero Challenge will take place at the end of September.  In the meantime, keep coming out, working hard and prepare to blow past where you stopped today.  If you didn’t make it out today, come out next time.  The Challenge is open to anyone who dares take it on.
  • Welcome to FNG Sex Panther (news anchor Scott W.). Keep coming out brother.  Not all the workouts are in the Challenge format…but they all bring the sweet pain.

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Purple Haze author

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11 years ago

Impressive showing by all. Pretty cool seeing everyone slapping shoulders and encouraging one another at the end. Too bad I was half way across the fields when it was happening. Nice work.

Mighty Mite
Mighty Mite
11 years ago

Great idea for a workout brothers! I’m looking forward to seeing my improvement in September.

Iron Horse
11 years ago

Hat’s off to the Q’s. Great job in planning this awesome workout.
i had thought the 100 burpees (pure evil) were going to be the star of the show, but the knee tucks almost had me tap out. look forward to the repeat in the cool september breeze!

11 years ago

Great job lads. Music, refreshments, and a tough old workout…great way to start a weekend. Thanks for setting it up

11 years ago

Great concept and great execution. Random observations:

That’s was the biggest darned Weinke I’ve ever seen and love the fact that MRadar transcribed CDD’s and Carolina Dry Dogs. That’s probably the only good thing that came from this aggravated assault. Tip for next time: invite MRadar to record the COT. #CtrlAltDelete

Big Weinke, but not big enough that Bulldog could read 200 LBCs. He apparently did only 100 Supine Head Bobbers (not to be confused with his merkins, the Plank Head-Bobbers). Still, he gets a point for integrity for knocking out another 100 supine head bobbers on the next lap. Add an asterisk as well: the second 100 are lot harder when done immediately after, you know, the first 100.

Put an asterisk on my name as well, if you must. Any rational individual is going to do the 25 diamonds FIRST, not last, in a 100 merkin set. I make no apologies.

Lots of #Old men out front. Note that Stone Cold was one of the 6 that made it to Jump Squats, but the only one–as far as I know–that ran a mile in and out. Showoff.

Not looking forward to another one of these. And yet, I am.

#shortmanburpee advantage on full display. Putting burpees up front all but ensured Runstopper and Bulldog would lead the pack.

11 years ago

Nobody got a picture of the Giant @Weinke? Really?

@SexPanther. That’s solid. It would have been easy (too easy) to go for @Brick. But you took it to another level.

Reply to  Dredd
11 years ago

Dredd, Purple Haze has showed you a picture of our Weinke. I think it is better if seen in person. With that said we will put you on the list of hard commits for the September challenge.

Mighty Mite
Mighty Mite
11 years ago

The only body parts that were still bothering me during Foxhole this morning were my calves. I considered that exercise to be a chance to catch my breath but it turned out to be the heaviest smoker.

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