Convergence Continues!

Convergence Continues!

33 Regional F3 Pax posted to start their week off with a downpainment. The rain held off until MOM, giving YHC flashbacks to the winter Ruck, and snow falling in our faces from the trees.

The Thang

Run around football field and baseball diamond, COP on football field.

2 Burpees (and a false sense of security)
SSH x 25
4 Burpees
Squat x 25
6 Burpees
Merkins x 15
8 Burpees
Imperial Walker x 15
10 Burpees
Merkin Jack x 10

Partner up
Partner carry across football field; Flapjack
Wheelbarrow across field; Flapjack
Partner 1; Sprint across field and back while Partner 2 does:
One Legged Burpees/Flapjack

Mosey to Dugouts
Partner 1: 10 Pullups, Partner 2: People’s Chair
Partner 1: 10 Hanging Knee Raise, Partner 2: Donkey Kicks

Mosey to Pavillion
Dips x 20
Box Jumps x 10
Decline Merkins x 10
Rinse and Repeat x 3

Run around football field to baseball diamond for 6 MOM
LBCs x 25
Dollys x 15
Flutter x 15
LBCs x 25
Rosalita x 15
LBCs x 25
10 Burpees

DMZ has quickly become one of my favorite workouts as it provides a chance to meet the broadest range of F3 pax. A big Thank You to those from The Fort for making the trip in.
My EH came April of 2012 from Ice Nine at Atlas, and I spent about a year touring Metro workouts. This year has been mostly in Area 51, getting to know some great Brothers there. Now DMZ is drawing in Brothers from several areas, and Hops and Skywalker have done a great job pulling this together. As Dredd says, Multiplication by Division. The Starfish Principle.
See you in the gloom –

We are looking for guys to Q future DMZ workouts. Hoping to get a couple of guys from The Fort on July 1.
We have July 22 and 29 open. Would love to get a couple of guys for those from Metro. Please Tweet @Skywalker_F3 or mention in the Comments below. We are especially looking for guys who have never been a Q before or havent Q’d a lot to help out.

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Skywalker author

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11 years ago

Great Q Snowflake. Ironic that the rainy MoM session reminded you of the snow during Goruck….I knew the weather would turn wintry!
COP was made extra painful for at least one of the pax (can’t remember who – Seattle Slew) who did his first couple sets of burpees over a fireant hill or two. #doublypainful
Bulldog, not listed above, was definitely there this morning as he was smoking the field on the runs across the field.
T-claps to a strong crew at DMZ – great group!

11 years ago

Bulldog, my apologies: I even called an audible of One Legged Burpees in his honor, then left him off the roster- No surprise he led the pack running. #ironstrong

11 years ago

Great downpainment on the week ahead and quite a turnout. All the mumble chatter coming from the PAX of The Fort got just enough of my attention to set the alarm and make my first Monday morning post. I couldn’t be happier about it. Great work by those that organized this workout (Skywalker and Hops, I believe). It is great to be among PAX from several different areas. Looking forward to next Monday already.

See you in the gloom.

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