Full Body Trauma

Full Body Trauma

18 hearty souls ignored the weather forecast and the call of the fartsack to post at Centurion this morning.

The Thang:

Run to a side parking lot for a little warmup:

  • SSHs – 25 (cadence)
  • IWs – 20 (cadence)
  • Merkins – 20 (cadence)
  • Flutter – 20 (cadence)
  • 4 Point Toe Touch – 1 minute each leg

Run to the Carmel Commons parking lot for COP, Part 1:

  • Jump Squats (touch the side of your shoes) – 20
  • Russian Twists – 20 each side
  • CDDs – 20
  • Hold in a Regular Plank
  • Repeato x2

Run up the steps of Carmel Commons, across the top and back down, then to the picnic tables in front of Catholic for COP, Part 2:

  • Step Ups – 15 each leg
  • Dips – 15
  • Decline Merkins – 15
  • Hold the Decline Merkin Plank
  • Repeato x2

Run to another side parking lot for COP, Part 3:

  • Jumping Lunges – 10 each leg
  • Knee Ups – 10
  • Merkin Jacks – 10
  • Hold in a Regular Plank
  • Repeato x2

Just enough time for some Mary:

  • Groiners – 10
  • LBCs – 20 (cadence)
  • Exploding Merkins – 10 (on Q’s count)
  • Dolly – 20 (cadence)

Mosey for COT.


  • The goal today was full body trauma.  With all the repeatos, what was lacking in creativity was made up for in pain.
  • There was some heckling at the beginning of the 4 point toe touch…YHC heard something about Dancing With the Stars…but about 20 seconds into each minute, the mumble chatter stopped and the groans began.  Feel the burn.
  • There is nothing fun about the Jump Squat, especially when you touch the sides of your shoes…and do 60 of them within about 8 minutes.
  • Closing out the COP circuit with Merkin Jacks seemed like a good idea during Q planning…but it proved very unsavory in actual practice.
  • Groiners and Exploding Merkins, while not traditional Mary, served to be crowd pleasers.
  • T-claps to Philmont…4 posts this week.  Way to push through.  We all hear you!
  • Happy Birthday to Deacon…celebrating with a downPAINment!


  • Shirts with the AWESOME new Area51 logo are now available.  T-claps to Escargot and Mall Cop with the concept and design.
  • Area51 pool party at Candlewyck neighborhood pool tomorrow night – 6pm to 9pm.
  • Contact Chelms for a great opportunity to tutor and mentor students…F3 making a difference.
  • EH a buddy for a Saturday workout.

About the author

Purple Haze author

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Chelms aka Tatertot
11 years ago

I think there is a good chance I was finally not the War Daddy. Senator Tressel called out 48 so as long as his birthday was not in the last month then I’m good. When is is Tressel?

Philmont brought the Serena groans again today but it’s great to see him getting after it a third week in a row at Centurion. He said he grunts just getting out of bed so I”m wondering if he lives in a cave. The Boy Scouts probably love him because he probably scares the bears away.

Next week would be great time for first Q by Sacagawea (I”m out of town).

Senator Tressel
Senator Tressel
Reply to  Chelms aka Tatertot
11 years ago

The jumping squats were quite painful- especially the third round. Love the workouts at Centurion, guys. Chelms, you are safe. It will be 49 for me next month

11 years ago

Sorry I missed guys. Look forward to being with you next week. PH loves the groiners! Great to see Dropbox posted. He was an FNG Monday at DMZ – Aye!

11 years ago

Expecting to be back next week. Looking forward to it! I am looking for next weeks Q, I would like to see another guy from the Pax that has not lead the Centurion yet. Email me or just post in the comments if you want to take the helm.


Mighty Mite
Mighty Mite
Reply to  Escargot
11 years ago

I think I’ve seen enough of this area to put together an effective downPAINment. I can Q next week if you need someone to step up.

Mall Cop
11 years ago

Great workout Purple Haze! The worst (I mean best) part or the workout was ending with the exploding Merkins after you already blasted our shoulders!

Mighty Might, that’s awesome brother! Looking forward to your Q next week.

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