New Saturday workout launches May 25

New Saturday workout launches May 25

This Saturday, Radar & Purple Haze will launch Area 51’s fourth and latest workout on Saturday mornings. To think that in one year we have grown from 3(?) workouts to 16 is just amazing. So many of us have been so positively impacted by our involvement in F3 that we can’t help but try to EH every guy that we know. And that is one of the reasons that we have grown so much.

So here’s your chance to EH another buddy, coworker, or neighbor.

The workout (name still TBD) will launch at 0700 from McAlpine Elementary School, located at 9100 Carswell Lane. That is just off Hwy 51 (Pineville-Matthews Rd) about 1 mile west of Calvary Church.

It’s a great site for this traditional bootcamp workout.

See you in the Gloom. Aye!

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Skywalker author

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Big League Chew
11 years ago

See you there…AYE!

11 years ago

Good stuff fellas! Radar and Purple Haze = solid tandem to launch a new workout for the Area51 pax.
Look forward to seeing you guys at coffeteria after the downPainment. Aye!
thanks also to Skywalker for helping coordinate these new workout sites.

Purple Haze
11 years ago

Day Zero: the most brutal day of basic training. It launches tomorrow at 0700 at McAlpine. Radar is on Q. Pain will be administered. Bring extra resolve.

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