Cold, wet and skunky

  • When:02/26/13
  • QIC: Harley
  • The PAX: Tiger Rag, Jamboree, Bananas, SoCal (FNG Skunkworks), Bulldog, Zipadee, Good Hands, Runstopper, Baked Beans, Ice T, Stagecoach, Radar, Brown, Geraldo, FNG Phil Kolby aka Queso, FNG Jay Wells aka ABBA (rumor has it that he owns 4 Saabs)

Cold, wet and skunky


17 embraced the weather and showed up for a cold, wet, skunky beatdown…and were not disappointed.

Warmup: SSH x33, mountain climbers x20, goblin squat jumps w/ kb x 10

Mosey to road, partner up, try to avoid partnering with TR and his 100 lb kb
– Partner 1 sprint 3 lightpoles, merkins until all of group 2 arrives
– Partner 2 farmer carry 2 kbs, goblin squats until everyone arrives
– Switch
– Repeat to end of road and back with merkins, wide arms, stagger left and stagger right

Mosey to school, lunge walk w/ kb

Now that everyone is wet, get under cover
– 2 hand swings x 25
– Front press/tricep press x 12
– Goblin squats x 20
– Around the word, reverse
– LBC x 30
– Louganis x 10 (it is wet)
– Mason twists x 15
– Peter parker x 10
– Parker peter x 10
– Planks

Mosey to hill

Jacob’s Ladder to 7, no kb, ascending burpees at top

Lineup in parking lot
– Goblin squats x 10
– Sprint past busses and back, no kb

Mosey back to lot


I was fairly surprised to see a strong 17 ready to get after it in the rain and cold this am…well done. Makes me a bit scared at the # we will get on a normal day.

Major props to the 2 FNGs that showed up today, true beatdown of a workout in hazardous conditions…all downhill from here for you guys.

Runstopper is a true gentleman to let an FNG have his normal size kb then take one of TR’s 45 lb bells and then partner up with TR. Impressive stuff.

My last two posts have been in the freezing rain, I’m ready for spring.

— Harley

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Harley author

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11 years ago

Way to keep it going in the rain Harley! Like the wet/dry/wet combo. Nice attempts from FNGs to name themselves today. Very surprised that Dr. Deeznutz was shot down for FNG stud Phil Kolby. Bananas and myself wasted a good deal of the workday yesterday coming up with that one. TR squashed it very quickly despite trying to name someone Blowhole at one point.
Just drove by Covenant Day School and saw Matlocks car pull in…

Run Stopper
11 years ago

aye, Harley.. it truly was a skunky, wet, cold and drizzly morning! Appreciate the beatdown, it was #epic.

11 years ago

Blowhole was directed at one of Dolphin’s EHs. That’s quality naming right there.

Phil Deeznutz is something a 14 year old boy would write on a bathroom wall. Come on, Beavis.

11 years ago

Tclaps on the beat down. That was first time doing equipment related downpainment as well as using KBs. Thanks for sacrificing so we could use a couple of them. That was a strong showing and I’m glad to have experienced a South workout.

As for ABBA that is pretty good. The Swedish foursome.

11 years ago

Unrepentant fartsacker today boys….but sounded like a strong workout.
Good humor on Matlock’s arrival…..but hey – he could shoot for SW and be early for DV tomorrow.

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