O Canada

  • When:1/28/13
  • QIC: Strange Brew and Joker
  • The PAX: Run Stopper, 49er, Salt Lick, Abacus, Crab Cake, Callaway, Tiger Rag, Mall Cop, Hops, Dora, Turkey Leg, Cottontail, Donkey Kong, Zip-A-Dee, Custer, Dustin Swinehart [FNG], Sir Purr [FNG], Far Side, Stone Cold, Young Love, Mary Kate [FNG], Strikeout, Sprague,

O Canada

25 men got after it this morning at The Matrix. 

The Thang – Strange Brew QIC

  • Lap around school, form up on main soccer field
  • SSH x 25
  • IW x 30
  • Carolina Dry Docks x 25
  • Hold plank
  • Air Squats x 30
  • Mosey to edge of field
  • Partner pepper pod across field to pole, while other partner merkins amrap; switchorama
  • Partner pepper pod across field to pole, while other partner carolina dry dock amrap; switchorama
  • Partner carry out, switch, and back from pole
  • Plank it up

The Thang – Joker QIC

  • Slow squat X20
  • Slow wide arm merkin X20
  • Slow dolly X20; hold em
  • Slow flutter X20; hold em
  • LBC X15
  • Lunge walk 50 yards; 20 merkins
  • Wrestler lung walk 50 yards; 20 merkins
  • Bunny hop broad jump 50 yards; 10 merkins
  • Bunny hop broad jump 50 yards; 10 merkins
  • Bear crawl X 50 yards
  • Run around school
  • People’s Chair / Merkin combo
  • Run to COT


– Great first-time lead today by Strange Brew.  YHC still can’t explain what a pepper pod is, but we did em and we did em fast. 

– Remember when F3 nicknames like “Red Warrior” and “Dark Warrior” were given without hesitation?  Not anymore.  Today’s FNGs better be prepared for something less flattering/manly… like, for instance… Mary Kate.  Welcome to the team Mary Kate… we hope you live up to your name [whatever that means].

-YHC and Mall Cop were reminded of the laws of physics this morning, when I decided to jump high for the piggy back ride and Mall Cop decided to bend forward at the same time… we hit the ground very gracefully, and we might incorporate this movement into a future workout. 

-Lots of rucks this morning, though Donkey Kong must have left his at home for the first time in a few months. 

-Short Sale… we were thinking of you today.  We know you will be back with us in the Spring, better than ever.  We may even call you Six Million Dollar Man.

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Joker author

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12 years ago

A pepper pod is a pissed-off fish in Canada.

12 years ago

Yeah, I’ve never heard of a pepper pod before.
I really missed being with you guys this morning. Will especially miss the 2ndF every morning.
BTW, Six Million Dollar Man is quite appropriate. He was my hero when I was a kid. I even had his lunch box! For those old enough, e.g. Calloway, remember those stamped metal lunch boxes that we used to carry to school?

12 years ago

Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world’s second bionic man. Short Sale will be that man. Better than he was before. Better…stronger…faster.

12 years ago

The intro music to Six Million Dollar Man was the best! Did you have the matching thermos as well?

Reply to  Callaway
12 years ago

Absolutely. That thermos was cool.

12 years ago

I would say that pepper pod nonsense was a soccer thing (run a bit, fall down as if injured, then get up and run again) but Strange Brew comes from a glacier 8 hours north of Edmonton. Maybe that’s how they sneak up on baby seals and club them. Savages.

Re Mary Kate: if you answer ‘Full House’ when asked, “What’s your favorite 80’s sitcom?” it ain’t going to be pretty. FNG Whitey wisely deferred when queried, “What was your favorite 80’s soap opera.” Well played.

Reply to  Tiger-Rag
12 years ago

question is – when Whitey returns – what nickname awaits him?
hilarious on Mary Kate – hope you come back Mr. Coggins – great having you former soccer players among the pax.

The Shore
12 years ago

In case anyone hasn’t noticed, Strange Brew is becoming quite the stud.

Reply to  The Shore
12 years ago

That’s right. No one can accuse Strange Brew of being one of those no taste, no calorie beers, can they? More like a good Porter or Stout.

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