The Burpee Pullup

  • When:01/21/13
  • QIC: Mall Cop
  • The PAX: Joker, Dolphin (Ruck), Turkey Leg, Sprague, Skinner, Salt Lick, Lost Weekend, Super Sonic (LW 2.0), Young Love, Schnitzel, Big League Chew, Thin Crust, Cheese Curd, Bulldog, Zipidee, Dirt Track, White Zen, Ole Tannenbaum, Countertop, Coal Miners Daughter (War Daddy), Lex Luther, Mall Cop, 1 more - Stand and Be Heard Below in Comments and I'll Add You To The Pax List

The Burpee Pullup

23 Pax posted in the fridged gloom to start the week off right at The Matrix.  YHC had 60 mins worth of exercises and only 45 mins to fit it all in so I warned in the Pre-Blast there would be no COP warmup.

So straight into The Thang we went:

Run accross the school to the field with the small track and line up along the sideline for:

1) Bear Crawl Accross Field 2) Burpee Broadjump 3) Crab Crawl 4) Sprint across field and back 5) Lung Walk Accross

Count off into 3 groups and run to the playground to rotate through 3 pain stations with a new exercise YHC has been dying to introduce to the Pax.

Station 1) Line up under a pull up bar for 15 Burpee pullups: Perform a regular burpee with the pushup and when you jump up grab the pullup bar to do a pullup (that is 1 rep).

Station 2) On right side of the median do 30 Carolina DD then sprint to the light post and back, plank when done.

Station 3) On left side of the median do 30 Merkins then sprint to the light post and back, plank when done.

Mosey to the school and grab some wall for Peoples Chair – 60 seconds, Repeato, Feet on wall Mountain Climbers x 10 in cadence.

Run to the soccer pitches for 11’s with sprints in between. 10 Squat Jumps and sprint 25 yards 1 Merkin, 9 Squat Jumps and sprint 25 yards 2 Merkins, etc.

Circle up for Mary / Granny:

Introduced Granny to the Pax: Partner up, Partner 1 holds Partner 2s feet while partner 2 does situps AMRAP (as many as possible) for 30 seconds, hold at a 45 degree angle for 15 secs, arms up in 45 degree angle for 15 sec, look to the sky to find a star for 15 sec, finish with 30 more secs of AMRAP sit-ups.  Flapjack and partner 1’s turn.

Flutter x 15 then 6″ Hold

Rosalita x 20

Sprint 75 yards and back, then mosey to parking lot.

10 more Merkins in Cadence.


Naked Moleskin:

Great work today by the Pax, especially Dolphin for wearing the Ruck and to Super Sonic (Lost Weekend 2.0) leading the pax on many of the exercises and sprints.   Happy 11th Birthday coming up this week Super Sonic!

YHC was on a mission today to test out my recovery on my knee and wanted to mix in a lot of sprints with some squats, lung walk, and everything in between.  So there was no time to waste with an initial COP.  Thanks to the Pax for going along with it.  YHC tried to keep up a decent pace with the exercises so I hope everyone got their moneys worth.  The good news is the old knee passed the test!

The Burpee Pullup seemed to be a hit and will enter the rotation of the workouts.  Although next time we may do 2 Pullups per rep for the first 5 or so reps and finish the set with 1 Pullup per rep.

Lots of groaning and grunting during the Granny.  She is a mean old lady and really gives the core and abs a great workout.

My apologies to the 1 pax who I didn’t get written down as the Pax was flying through the namarama and my frozen fingers just couldn’t write fast enough.  Stand and be heard in the comments and I’ll add you to the pax list. 


For those going to the WWC this Saturday for the first Annual F3 Mud Run Prep Convergence, we will be #clowncaring it up.  Meet up at The Rock and park in the back where we meet for our workout at 5:45 to 5:50.  Convoy will leave at 6:00 promptly.  Contact Countertop with questions or to RSVP so he can help coordinate.  By the way CT, I’ll be meeting up to ride up with 2 of my NVR4GTN team mates Dora & Thin Crust.

Our new South CLT Friday workout soft launch this Friday at a temporary location Covenant Day HS where we workout for Skunk Works.  Please make note of the start time 5:45.  Yes that’s 5:45 and not 5:30, with Bulldog and Short Sale as your QICs.

Cheese Curd is Qing for a Hyperwear Weight Vest order, deadline 1/28/13.  Check it out on the website and ask CC any questions you may have.  This is a quality weight vest that some of the F3 Pax have been using for over a year and a great way to increase the difficulty of your work outs.  There are 12 ordering so far.

Until Next Time! 


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Mall Cop author

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12 years ago

Sorry I missed The Matrix. DR all week but will post at Kevlar Friday.

12 years ago

Crabcake is standing up and being heard. Great workout mallcop

Counter Top
12 years ago

Way to bring the pain MC. Glad to see your knee passed the stress test.

… and thanks for RSVPn’ team “NVR4GTN” for the clowncar caravan on Saturday. Looking like Charlotte South will be well represented.

12 years ago

Great workout. Loved the Burpee pullup and will be stealing it for future workouts. I expect a lot of the grunting was from me. Great job.

12 years ago

Mall Cop was all business on Monday morning. A model of efficiency. Nothing like bear crawling and burpee broad jumps to get “warmed up.” Nice work MC.

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