I think we found the DMZ Lurker.

  • When:05/18/15
  • QIC: Bushwood
  • The PAX: Brushback, One Eye, Hamlet, Hannibal, Simba, Gummy, Busch, Chappy, FNG-Mint Julep (Dale Grey), Flutie Flakes, Crypto, Hops, Mr. Clean, Snowflake (Respect), Big Top, Runstopper, Steinbrenner, Want Ad, Baracus, Kirk, and Bushwood (Q)

I think we found the DMZ Lurker.

Shovel Flag, check.
Disclaimer, check.
Phone, check.
SSH, nope (due to the Plantar Fasciitis epidemic)

The Thang:
Partner Up and Circle Up
–Merkins x 20IC
–Flutter x 26IC

Run to Camilla, left on Thornridge, right on Broadhollow, left on Kimblewyck and stop at Kimblewyck/Hartmill Ct. intersection.
–Russian Twist x 15IC

7’s on Hartmill:
–Run to bottom of cul-de-sac for 6 diamonds, back up to intersection for 1 diamond (repeat until 1 and 6)
–LBC x 25IC
–Heels to Heaven x 25IC

Run back down Kimblewyck to Broadhollow.
–Stop at each street light (right and left side) and stop sign for 5 HR-merkins (4 total stops)

Partner work on Broadhollow:
–Partner 1 runs left to bottom of cul-de-sac and does 5 burpees, Partner 2 runs to top of hill at Broadhollow/Thornridge intersection for 5 burpees. Do 20 derkins each when you meet back at Kimblewyck/Broadhollow intersection.
–Flapjack and repeat x 5 but count down burpees by 1 (5, 4, 3, 2, and 1)
–Plank exercises (RH, LH, LL, and RL high)
–Knee-up x 20IC

Backwards run up Broadhollow to Thornridge
–Wide arm x 10IC

Backwards run up Thornridge to Camilla
–Freddy Mercury x 10IC (CAR!)

AYG back to park

10 Burpees OYO
Flutter x 30IC

I hate running uphill and I’m not good at it. So, we just ran up and down hills the entire time #BRR. Hartmill is horrible. It gets my vote as the DMZ lurker. That bad boy is long (.11 one way) and it doesn’t stop climbing. Kirk complained it was too long for 7’s but then blew everyone away. One Eye, Brushback, and Hops pushing the pace on Hartmill as well.

Simba was in Combat Mode.

Gummy talked a lot. Also, he graciously kept tracked of all the flutters we did this morning.

Lots of high-fives out there today. I like it!

Busch was bored with all the planks after running, so he just did diamonds. #Overachiever

The Broadhollow circuit was fun. Nothing like knocking out 100 derkins whilst running.

Running backwards uphill is 1) not fun and 2) never good idea. Unless your Hops. He finds another gear. He should probably run the BRR backwards.

Our FNG is from Louisville and his original name was Derby, then Derby Dayz (with a “z” of course), but Mint Julep was thrown out after we settled on Derby Dayz. I like Mint Julep better, so that is your name for all eternity.

Covered about 3.2 miles this morning with lots of merkin variations. Twas a good one.

Thanks to Hops for taking us out!


F3 Dads start in June at Francis Beatty Park.

A51 convergence this saturday, 5/23, at Day Zero. Gummy said the location is horrible but hopefully the workout will make up for it.

A51 convergence on Memorial Day (location TBD).

About the author

Bushwood author

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8 years ago

Good workout, Bushwood. I remember when you were a wee F3 lad, and I was faster than you. No more. I only talked to distract from my poor performance. It was good to partner up with Hannibal. He was nice to me about how I held him back, and he was thankful he didn’t have to carry me. Muthaship flashbacks.

I’m glad Busch got a chance to clear things out during the second round of Flutters. I hope he made it home in time. And good to see Baracus with the guns out. Who needs sun?

Reply to  Gummy
8 years ago

Gummy – Great seeing you out there, and better that I was fortunate enough to partner with you. No, I don’t think you slowed me down, and if you did, I certainly wasn’t complaining about it. Not much time to catch my breath with all the other shenanigans thrown in. And yes, there were Muthaship flashbacks, but I was ready for you this time!

8 years ago

That hurt. Had no idea where we were this morning. Busch, who was site FNG, asked me a question that, as site Q, should have been easily answered: “What neighborhood is this?” To which I answered: “I have no idea”. My only defense is that it was after the Hartmill horror.
It was a fairly chatty pax…for about the first 10 minutes…except Gummy. And Busch, who never seems tired or out of breath, was in constant conversation with Mint Julep.

8 years ago

This site needs a Dungeon Master more than a Site Q: Kimblewyck of Broadhollow was my Cleric in summer-long game of ’79. Before MTV ruined us all.

Silent Bob
8 years ago

Glad to hear that the DMZ pax finally stumbled across Mutha Gruntcliff, which has long been a painful favorite of the Governator pax that share your AO. It’s really a gift that keeps on giving.

8 years ago

Somehow on paper it’s looks less unsavory than the actual dish.
Did we forget to mention the Partner Derkins at Kimblewyck/Broadhollow were done at grade? #doublederkin
Always a painful beatdown when Bushwood takes the Q –

8 years ago

Since the light has been shined on Gummy here are some other thoughts:

-as the sun rose I noticed that the shirt Gummy was wearing publicized his love for the band Moe. Known for their college rock hippie classics. Was that a special order?

-gummy posed a theory during COP that one of the only reasons I participate in F3 is for the opportunity to be mean to men from my church. He obviously hasn’t seen my form on Sunday mornings. #PastoralCare #RodAndStaff

-I think gummy left part way through and went swimming. At the end of the workout I went to shove him and the above mentioned College rock shirt made of wicking hemp was completely soaked. I immediately Merloted. Bushwood took credit, but he was only the assist.

-He has only been back at it for a couple of weeks, but he is almost back up to speed. Glad you are back. It is better having you out there. I missed your BFF3 Hopper though.

-Oh and Bushwood that was only partial combat mode. You don’t want full on Combat Mode.

Reply to  Simba
8 years ago

Is “partial combat mode” more akin to slow motion or frisbee?

8 years ago

Kirk you can’t handle full combat mode.

More specifically to your question: this morning partial combat mode was more akin to slow motion. However, I was dreaming of frisbees. Throwing them at you and Bushwood mostly. You for leading and Bushwood for calling such absurdity.

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