It’s the week of 4th and the KOA Campground vacation was in full force at Anvil this morning. There were grassy knolls, picnic tables, rock piles, tree lines, RVs, RV toilet smells, pop up travel trailers, scooters, and old men telling stories of days gone by. We used many of the items in the list for the workout, and what we didn’t use certainly impacted the workout.

Vacation started with Lorax almost running over a camper that had wandered out of his RV. Perhaps he was sleep walking but the presence, thankfully, of a worn out terry cloth robe suggested that he was headed to the bathhouse.

Like all campground vacations, we ended up with extra guests… you know, like that 3rd cousin that did a little jail time for the “misunderstanding with the officer”, along with his live-in girlfriend, the guys from Death Valley just dropped in, started eating our Andy Capp’s hot fries and drinking all our Sun Drop, without even asking.

All the old guys, like Chelms, Snuka and Magoo, started talking about the independence days of old, when they shot bottle rockets out of the old 10 oz. Coke bottles…at each other. Chelms even mentioned a scar in a certain location that thankfully he stopped short of trying to show us. None of us would have recovered from that. BLC just kept spitting ‘baccor juice into his Sub Station II cup and laughing at all the stories.

MPG strolled in on his scooter and then wandered around the entire campground looking for us, like that uncle that no one really speaks of anymore.

The only thing missing this morning was that brother-in-law Spack, the one that pops his first top before he takes the first bite of Sugar Smacks, and a shirtless Gloss, that shows the top of his crack every time he bends over to crush out his cigarette.

Happy 4th. ‘Murica.

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Purple Haze author

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4 years ago

I hired a guy once and didn’t find out that he lived at a KOA campground until we were past the point of no return. Didn’t work out.

Chelms aka Tatertot
Chelms aka Tatertot
4 years ago

Snuka almost lapped you on the Jacobs Ladder so not smart calling him old – what’s that say about you? And as usual, I let you win to help with your self esteem.

I was thinking more like the Griswold house in Christmas Vacation when the uncle was emptying his RV “refuse” into the sewer on the street. I think Spackler was still asleep in the RV and that’s why you didn’t see him. Question (not what’s heavier – 1,000 lbs of rocks or 1000 lbs of feathers) – Would Spackler get listed in the PAX if we confirmed he was at the AO but just hiding in the RV. And is Spackler related to Chester.

4 years ago

If the RVs a rockin don’t come a knockin.

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