No Football Players Here!!!!

No Football Players Here!!!!

9 brave men got out of bed with high expectation for a low to moderate amount of running.

Mosey to tennis courts and circle up:

SSH x 15, Burpee x 10, Merkin Ladder x 10, Imperial Walkers x 15, Squat x 20

Mosey to top of the hill:

Partner work – 150 merkins, 200 shoulder presses, hill runs and burpees mixed in.

I was trying to figure out what happened to all the cinder blocks and pallets; but quickly learned recalculating has been smashing them to pieces during workouts. Now we have no toys to play with, and I had to call an audible. Luckily I saw some some football sleds in the distance.

Hot lap around the track. This was way out of my comfort zone and possible the first time I have entered a track at my own will. On a side note; no one passed me.

Mosey to the football fields where the slacking bar was raised to an all-time high. We did 10 minutes worth of sled pushes in 2 groups. 1 group would push the sled and the other would perform 3 burpees and catch the sled. No burpees were done; but in defense of the group the sled was awful.

Mosey to bleacher and full length up and downs.

All in all the pax worked hard and really focused on the “modify if needed” part of my disclaimer. It was great to see everyone and mix a little F3 into my full-time shaker weight routine.


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