Sharing memories from GoRUCK!

  • When:02/19/2013
  • QIC: Stone Cold
  • The PAX: Stagecoach, Header, Geraldo, Sprague, Brown, Smash, Fishwrap, Good Hands, Matlock (LIFO), Radar, Bananas, Cheese Curd, Bulldog, Baracus, Turkey Leg, Crab Cake, Hops, Monkey Joe, Iced Tea, Zipadee, Counter Top, Dickeys, ...missing one (somebody help me)

Sharing memories from GoRUCK!

23 faithful brothers posted in the gloom for the warmup session, then straight from the all nighter court prep comes Matlock sliding in on two wheels to post as number 24!

The Thang:

2 laps around the track

SSH x 25

Merkin x 12

IP x 25

Wide arm Merkin x 12

Squat x 20

Diamond Merkin x 12

Skunk Humper x 20

Mosey to church entrance (stacked KBs)

3 man Teams:

Partner carry then third guy 10 deep merkins on the KBs, grab the bells and catch up to the partner carry (flap jack)

To buses and back (~15 minutes)


Mosey (KBs overhead) to bottom of hill

KB/Burpee Ladder:

Bottom- 10->1  KB two hand swings

Top-  1->10 Burpees

Mosey back to school lot (KB tri extensions)

Mary (w/ KBs)

Louganis x 20

Flutter x 20

Twist x 20


T-claps for the PAX for sampling a little of YHC’s GORUCK memories from Sat night/Sunday am.  Partner carrying and KB transport as TEAM, not a RACE.  You boys did well,  Strong!

Matlock- someone said we are seeing a pattern.  You must have a serious case load on your hands these days.  Still you got out of the fartsack and made it.  Unlike the Runstopper, who HC’s Fishwrap at lunch yesterday for SW only to fartsack.  Stopper, that is not like you.  #gorucksleepdeprived

The British Bulldog is a machine…coming off GoRuck, he leads the pax in Hill work.  Strong!

YHC and Fishwrap were chatting most of the am about our sorenesses.  Nothing like SW to work those out.  Strong prayer to send us off Brother, even being O2 deprived.  Good to have you in the South country.
Zip-a-dee…..strongest counter in ALL F3!

Bananas and crew…another strong post to SWs.  You boys are a great fixture to the southland.  Appreciate your commitment.

Monkey Joe, did we miss your routine morning belch?

HDHH at Vintner Wine Market next to Portofinos

  • Death Valley – Stage Coach and Mall Cop are on Q
  • Devil’s Turn – Back to the normal running routine [5:15AM for 6 miles and 5:30AM for 4 miles]
  • Kevlar – Bulldog on Q
  • Saturday workouts:
    • Area 51 – Far Side and  Countertop on Q
    • The Rock – Hops on Q
    • Stonehenge – Dolphin  and Haggis on Q
  • Base Camp, our moderate      intensity F3 workout launches at South Charlotte Middle School at 5:30AM      on Monday February 25th.  Start headlocking guys that you think will      be a good fit.  Strange Brew will be on Q.

DHH at


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11 years ago

Memorable painfest this a.m. brother. Thanks for the 20 minute window into the 14 hours of fun the #GoRuckF3MEN got to endure over the weekend. Strong.

Those “Skunk Humpers” are as painful to watch as they are to perform. Thankfully no early morning teachers arrived in time to witness the unsavory affair. We might get expelled permanently for indecent behavior in public view.

11 years ago

Great workout Stone Cold. Hurting…which is a good thing. Good to have Zip-A-Dee adding some loud levity to the workout #yellingyeti

See you tomorrow morning at DV men!

11 years ago

Oh what a workout it was this a.m. SC — impressive to see you and the Bulldawg back so quickly after hearing the horror stories of nonesense that went on at the #Goruck this past weekend!!! And in 1 piece full of vigor no less!

I agree with CT on the “Skunk Humpers”, although effective — some things should simply remain in the closet. Yeah I’m feeling it but not in a good way and could you imagine if we were caught on camera?

We’d be exiled! (that’s exiled not EXCITED!) Not sure what all happened at Goruck but… it should possibly stay there…. I can only imagine the stories Fishwrap’s drumming up to tell.

All in all, STRONG — STRONG workout today SC and great showing to the rest of the PAX who saw it through. Even Matlock and his pup who showed late and was the creepy guy hangin by the bushes during the partner carries.

See you in the gloom down in the “Valley” manana’ boyz!

11 years ago

This morning, I put forth a motion that we do this at 10AM. There was a resounding, “Aye!”

Note: There were no comments on Friday when I was the first to post at Kevlar with time to walk Annie the Wonder Dog!

Reply to  Matlock
11 years ago

“Annie” the Wonder Dog… AYE, the PAX shall be anxiously awaiting to see Matlock post in his tutu!

11 years ago

Annie barely tolerates strangers, Zip. I’ll be sure to park next to you and leave the window open, a bit.

11 years ago

Okay, so I’m pretty sure Run Stopper HC’d SW over lunch yesterday. Maybe he called an audible for WIB. He’s sneaky like that. BUT maybe the man’s fartsack had him trapped in warmth.Either way, I understand.

Awesome to see the South Crew. Strong Lead and Call for the Ladder.

Thanks for the workout, brothers! In the gloom then…

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